Friday, October 5, 2012

Showing we Care

     Anniversaries have a way of reminding us anew of big events we have experienced in our life and often allow us to relive the feelings of those days.
   Yesterday marked the one month anniversary that LV's brother Melvin died in a work related accident.  I called my sis-in-law and we visited for quite a while. In the course of conversation she mentioned how really hard life is with out Melvin. And how since the initial shock has worn off harsh reality seems to have settled in. Right now she is at the point where everyone else seems to have gone back to their normal life but, life for her and their eight children is anything except normal. Cards and letters have slowed to a trickle and she is feeling very alone.
    I'm turning to all of you today in hopes we can flood her mailbox with cards and words of encouragement. If  you are interested in sending her something send me an email at: ajoyfulnoise(at)live(dot)com and I will send her address to you. 
   Let's show her and the children we still care.


  1. Definitely count me in! Please e-mail me or message me her address. This is so sweet of you to do this. ♥

  2. I'm in also. I just sent you an email.

  3. Please send me Emma'saddress...tx...Becky w in mo

  4. Just sent you an email. Please send Emma's address.

  5. I would love to send her and her children a word of encouragement

  6. I am thinking of you and your children. God Bless.

  7. I will gladly send her a card if you will email me her address.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts.