Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sharing a few Favorites ~ Giveaway

Giveaway is now closed and a winner has been chosen.
In celebration that Life with Lily has officially released I am having a fun giveaway of a few of my favorite things.

Included in the giveaway is a signed copy of Life with Lily, my favorite white rug made by my Aunt Emma, a pint of maple syrup made by LV's cousin from the beautiful sugar maple trees on their farm, and a pint of locally made apple butter.

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment telling me the first thing you see when you look behind you right now.  I checked right now and there is nothing behind me except light mauve flowered wall paper.

For a second entry post a link to this giveaway on your blog or Facebook then come back and leave another comment telling me you did.

I will be choosing the winner with the help of random generator on Monday Oct. 8th.


  1. What a lovely giveaway! Right behind me, my little boy sits on the floor paging through one of his sister's books.

  2. A brown wall! exciting huh?

  3. Behind me is my Mrs. Beasley doll sitting on my office couch. :)

  4. Window looking out to the parking lot, and another business across the street, in front of that window is our offiice's main printer. Exciting, huh?

  5. My china closet with my wedding china and my mother's china in it.

  6. My china closet with my wedding china and my mother's china in it.

  7. Three empty Bible boxes and another computer (I am in my office at church).

  8. When I look behind me I see my front door :) I would love to enter your sweet give away...blessings friend

  9. I have posted your give away on my blog sidebar for a second chance...thanks

  10. When I look behind me I see a wall with 4 trophy fish that were mounted several years a go.

  11. Behind me sits my big bookcase full of all my books and scrapbooks.

  12. For a second chance to win I just posted a link to my Facebook page.

  13. Our living room wall, which is freshly painted a light coffee color.

  14. What a nice giveaway! I would love to be entered.

    When I look behind me, I see my daughter doing her schoolwork in the recliner, and my dog asleep on the sofa :)

    Congratulations on the publication of Life with Lily! :)

  15. I turn around and what do I see? The back of my chair and the black cat who is allowing me to share it. I'm lucky it's a big chair.

  16. When I look behind me, I see a calendar. My husband painted the kitchen and instead of putting a nail hole in the wall, he's got our calendar hanging from a shelf. Awkward! :)

  17. I posted about your giveaway on my blog's sidebar :)

  18. I see my office cabinets. Shh! don't tell boss I'm on the blog!

  19. Your book and Aunt Emma's favorite rug! Wonderful incentive! Behind me is a table with a lamp on it. Usually there is a cat on the floor behind my chair, but he is not there, right now.

  20. Just wanted to let you know I shared on my blog sidebar and posted this on Facebook in a group called "All Things Amish". :)

  21. behind me is a wall with a giant picture of a white tiger and some family pictures

  22. Behind me is a closet door and an old trunk.

  23. Please disregard comment re facebook -- unable to post :( Sorry.

  24. My daughter's soft snuggly pooh bear blanket on the back of my chair...

  25. What a lovely giveaway.
    I see my office filing box behind me, full of papers that I should be dealing with!

  26. Behind me I look out my living room window and see a tree in all its amazing fall colors! God's beauty is truly amazing!

  27. Behind me is my wall painted New Day Dawn.

  28. Sweet giveaway! Directly behind me is a coffee table with a large flower arrangement.

  29. Behind me is my husband at his computer.

  30. OK, posted a link on my Face Book page and on my blog.

  31. Thank you for offering the lovely give-away...when I look directly behind me, I see my scrapbooking/crafting desk and beyond that is the window looking to our backyard.

  32. The door to my bedroom is directly behind me. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. Behind me are my little siblings doing their homework :)

  34. Behind me is a counter clear of dishes.


  35. My five year sitting in the floor spinning around and around!

  36. When I look behind me I see the dry erase board with all the homeschool assignments for the day!

  37. Right behind me is a puzzle on the wall that I framed years ago because it was so pretty. It is an assortment of birds at a birdfeeder.

  38. What a fabulous giveaway! Right behind me is a table and two chairs.

  39. The only syrup I use comes from Somerset Co. I have found one store in DE that carries it. Behind me right now is a small tree decorated for fall with decorations the children have made.

  40. I would love to be entered! When I look behind me I see my sleeping dog and windows.

  41. Behind me is a corner shelf with lots of nick-nacks. Thanks for the opportunity!

  42. I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar for a second chance.

  43. Family pictures on a dark tan wall of our living room....would love the book! rhonda_nash_hall@comcast.net

  44. sharing on facebook

  45. Behind me is a round table with three chairs!


  46. Right behind me is a picture of humming birds flying around flowers.

  47. i see shelves that need clearing off! Hee hee!

  48. I see some beautiful fall trees from my office window. They are turning red on the upper leaves.

  49. How can you bear to part your aunt's rug? You are very generous.

    I don't have to turn around to know what's behind me - a very messy computer desk.

  50. My litle ones napping :-) and the wind blowing the leaves all over the deck! Wendy

  51. I turn around from my schoolwork and see a white wall and an oil painting :)

  52. I just posted your link on facebook. I love your blog; I figured I'd share. :)

  53. I see my living room window and it is raining.

  54. I am sitting with my back to the window that looks out on our back yard. The leaves are turning color and it is a lovely sight.
    I would love to win that book for my Amish friends. One of them has 3 little girls and it would be a great gift to give them. There are not a lot of Amish books written about children.

  55. Lovely give away! Behind me is pumpkin pie colored wall and a painting of a covered bridge.

  56. Behind me is our front door and the coat closet. I'd love to read your book, congratulations. I just found your blog. I can't wait for tonight to start reading from the beginning. Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway. As soon as I post this, I'll be your newest follower. ;-> Toni Anne

  57. I see my husbands fire radio sitting on our antique buffet.

  58. I did both, too! Here's to hoping for luck with the random number generator.

  59. I see a doorstop - I'm in my office.

  60. I see laundry baskets piled up and ready to go, but I'm on here instead! :D

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  61. Right behind me I see 3 book shelves
    full mostly with books, also some
    reams of paper and some bumper
    stickers that have not yet made it
    onto the car.

  62. What a lovely giveaway! I see my sofa with 3 colorful afghans draped across the back behind me now.:-)

  63. I see a window with rain falling outside. Under the window is a counter with various office equipmenton it.

  64. I also posted your giveaway on FB and tagged you in it!

    Thanks again!

  65. What a wonderful giveaway!! I see my chest of drawers behind me. :)

  66. I hope to read the book soon! I see a few rolls of Christmas wrapping paper...

  67. Right behind me are the living room windows, so I see the windows and then I see my neighbors houses, yards, and trees.

  68. Pillows, my headboard, and my weather station. :-)

  69. What I see behind me is a cabinet full of fabric.

  70. What a generous variety of gifts!
    Behind me are two large file cabinets here in the Mission Office!

  71. I'd like to say "a field full of daffodils" but what I really see is the stove and refrigerator.

  72. When I look behind me, I can see through the windows that lead into the dinning room (our office is out on an enclosed porch....as it's the only spot that we had that would work when we moved here earlier this summer). I can look across the dinning room table, into the kitchen at the stove with two canners on it, that are filled with todays canning I did with my Mom. I was tired and just shut them off and left them there once they were done. LOL Supper was leftovers, so I didn't need the stove to cook it. I do enjoy canning with my mother, now that we moved closer to them so we can! :-))

    Thanks for the chance to win, would LOVE to read your book, and I just LOVE maple syrup...and apple butter is really good too! The rug would be really cool too, as I don't have a hand made one!

  73. Behind me is the dark night sky.. through an open window letting in a cool breeze.

    Congrats on the book release. I wish you MUCH success.

  74. Congratulations on the release of your book!

    When I looked in back of me, my eyes rested on a bookcase my husband made for me just before he was diagnosed with leukemia.

    I'd love to win this prize package.

    susanjreinhardt AT gmail DOT com

  75. Behind me I see the blue curtains that make up the "door" to our bedroom closet :)

    What a cool giveaway!

  76. The bra I always take off after 6 o'clock and toss on the bed behind me.

  77. The bra I always take off after 6 o'clock and toss on the bed behind me.

  78. Behind me is our doorway drop zone. It's an owl bank from my grandmother, a small jewelry armoire from my husband (perfect for keys on the side, important things in the drawers),and a glass heart bowl for pocket emptying. Simple organizing with a lot of memories.

  79. Pillows and my headboard...

  80. my recliner still rocking slightly since my daughter just got up and ran into another room

  81. A wall... on the other sie of that wall is my bathroom.

  82. i see a picture of a piano that is waiting to be hung over MY piano. :) it is propped up on the wall behind my desk chair.

  83. In my living room behind me is the tree I painted on the wall :) for our family pictures :)

  84. I see a basket tree. It hangs in my dinning room

  85. Behind me is a tanish wall with a thermastate and a picture of my son (then age 1) in my husbands military uniform.

  86. I see my dining room table and sidebar.

  87. I love these giveaways and reading all the comments!!

    When I look behind me I see my 60 pound dog laying on top of the couch right behind me! LOL

  88. Behind me is a freshly painted wall in the new home God has blessed me and my daughters with....

  89. A cream colored wall and a mirror. Thrilling! :-) Would love to win this. Thanks for the chance:-)

  90. thanks for the chance to win. behind me right now i see a grocery cart full of flyers that my hubby has to deliver on Thursday and more flyers still to be put together.

  91. Oh, I think this is your best give-a-way yet!

    Right behind me is my husband's desk. Some of his books are there and perched on top is his straw hat.

  92. Right behind me is my bulletin board. It is overflowing with everything under the sun!!!

    I preordered your book and it arrived the other day. I am looking forward to reading it!

  93. Right behind me is a bookshelf with my textbooks from medical school. Yum apple butter.

  94. Right behind me at this moment is my bed headboard.I would love to win this.I love your blog.Thanks

  95. Behind me I see my husband who is taking up the entire bed and snoring.

  96. My hubby is behind me. :-) Thanks for offering such treasures!

  97. Behind me is my china cabinet with my collection of tea cups and pots and my grandchildrens piggy banks. I would love to win your contest!

  98. Nothing behind me but my vertical blinds covering my patio doors. I enjoy your blogs so much! I am anxious to read and share your book with my granddaughters.

  99. Behind me I see bookshelves filled with books!
    Kathy Faberge

  100. Oh, I love this giveaway! Behind me right now is my dining area! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  101. What a wonderful giveaway! Right behind me now is the couch! Exciting, huh?

    Thank you!

  102. I will share this contest in our All Things Amish group page on FB!!!!!

  103. two of my littlies laying together on the floor, laughing

  104. Lol, your stipulation for entering was too intriguing to resist! I whirled around and focused immediately upon the 'buckskin' pumpkin I bought last Saturday. It's destined for pies!

  105. That's very generous of you to share some giveaways. I would love to get my hands with that book, Life of Lily. Wish I'll be able to have it. Thanks.
    Ecommerce Australia

  106. Right behind me is my daughter eating breakfast in her high chair!

    2u3mommy at gmail dot com

  107. I see green fields covered in dew that meet a tall tree line below sweeping clouds.

    Fun giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win :)


  108. I see my favorite Curtis Jere sculpture. Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway.


  109. Shared on Facebook!



  110. Right behind me I see the bag of the Laz-e-boy and the wall.

  111. I blogged about your giveaway:


  112. A big window that shows me the car's in the parking lot at work. At least I get to see what the weather is like outside when I turn around.

  113. My co-worker, Kristie, is right behind me...and she looks busy...which makes me feel bad! I better quit looking at blogs and get back to work! :)

  114. Birds feeding at the bird table...one of my favourite views! Cx

  115. My dog, Blazer, is curled up between my chair and the door. Nobody's going to get to Momma without his permission!

  116. A beige wall with a picture of some beautiful flowers and a window with a view across our front pasture.

  117. A pile of rubbermaid containers with some paint cans and rollers sitting on top. We are in the process of moving. :)

  118. I see my black Lab, Reba, hoping for a handout from my lunch.

  119. Behind me is a window that looks across my driveway and I see my neighbors house. I love this giveaway it has some great goodies.

  120. Behind me are several quilts in various stages of completion and one big red,yellow, black and white quilt hanging on the wall. Thank you for the lovely thoughts. I also posted this link on FB.

  121. Piles and piles of books are behind me. Would love to win this.

    Karen Gervais

  122. Shared on Facebook.

    Karen Gervais

  123. HAHAHA!!!! I didn't even have to turn around! Our hand-me-down (several generations) Wonder Horse, complete with ribbon on it's tail and a feed bag (little gift bag with shredded paper) on one of the supports! He/she has had a few different names over the last 37 years and stays in the office so, now, our little Bella has something to play on when I'm down here doing laundry or computer work :-)

    Please don't enter me into your give-away, though as I won something last year and you have been VERY generous. I would love for someone else to have a chance!

  124. A white wall with a metal cross.

  125. My Amish-made jelly cabinet. It was made my woodworkers in Yoder, KS. I've had it for over 30 years, and it still is beautiful!

  126. My teal recliner with a "winter scene" blanket thrown over it. One of my children left a small folding chair on it.

  127. I posted a link of this giveaway on my facebook

  128. Right behind me is the wood headboard of my bed and I'm leaning against a pillow.

  129. Book shelves. (And, now that I really look at them, I see that they have become a little messy!)

    What a special giveaway package this is - good luck everyone!


  130. Just posted this on my Facebook page. Hope it means even more people will hear about your books and want to read them!


  131. Behind me is the back of my tan couch,with a red/cream quilt draped on it.

  132. I just posted on my blog. Thank you,Mary Ann...this will be fun!

  133. Right behind me is my dining room table - with groceries on it that I need to finish putting away!

  134. Right behind me is a table filled with crafts that I am working on right now. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  135. What a nice giveaway -- when I look behind me I see a mirror with my granddaughter's fingerprints on it -- I'll clean it after a while!

  136. LOL, I'm sitting in the garage and directly behind me is a remote control pick up truck (one of 4 or 5 my husband & son own)! What can I say - it's where we sit and talk while looking out the garage door as our neighbors come and go!
    Thanks for such a delightful giveaway - I'd love a chance to win!

  137. I work at my local library and right behind me is a display for BANNED BOOKS!!

  138. Looking behind me I see pictures of my family and my backpack setting on the filing cabnet... not where it belongs.

    I am very interested to read your book.

  139. I have also promoted your giveaway on my blog.

  140. Looking behind me I see my front door!

    PDWinner523 at gmail.com

  141. Right behind me is a two-shelf bookcase.
    Kaye Whitney

  142. As I look behind me ... my hubby is relaxing in our Amish made rocker/glider enjoying a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll. Simple Blessings ♥ Teri

  143. Two very bad dogs that just got a bath because they rolled in something nasty!

  144. All posted on FB and happy to do it!

  145. A piano and a pink chair!

  146. my bed is behind me ... I can't wait to climb into it tonight!! :)

    PS I love amish fiction!!! :)

  147. Behind me right now is my dining room table which has become home to my granddaughters periodic table of elements project for school. Oh and a very furry kitty named Miss Sadie

  148. Behind me is my kitchen table. Small house, multipurpose room.

  149. Currently sitting at the kitchen table, so right behind me are the closed blinds to the sliding glass door.

    P.S. Love reading your blog!

  150. Right now I see behind me is a very rainy day through my front windows

  151. Behind me I see a couch with my little brother chillin on it

  152. behind me is an open closet, and the first thing I saw was a laundry basket used for my husband's camo (hunting) stuff. I am visiting your blog for the first time.
    Sally Roehr smsror@gmail.com

  153. I'd love to be entered to win. If I do, you can contact me at:

  154. I look behind me to see that, once again, my darling boxador, pressli blossom, has stolen my lap quilt and is using it as a comfortable nest! I am currently stitching my first attempt at a quilt, which is intended to be a gift for her! But, like my grandma told me when I started this new hobby, "Jamie, u are going to put all ur love into making a quilt for her, and its going to be just like your situation with ur curious George monkey as a child." I carried a ratty, tattered, and well loved monkey for years as a toddler, until my family (I was the product of a teenage pregnancy, so I spent much time in the care of my eleven great aunts and uncles, all from the same mommy) replaced him with a brand, spanking new one. I refused him and cried for my familiar friend. Pressli will probably turn her nose up at the new quilt, preferring the smell and feel of my favorite lap quil! Which I understand, it's comforting and reminds her own mommy, me! Great blog and I can't wait to read the book! Then it will be donated to my middle school classroom library I'm accumulating, since our school was recently condemned and my low income kids don't have much access to books! Have a blessed day! Jamie Davis Bryan. Jaym_d@hotmail.com

  155. All there is behind me is a wooden headboard and the wall. Not very interesting! Thanks for the giveaway!

  156. Nice! Behind me right now is the double glass doors to my office standing wide open.

    Mrs. H
    fourkids at columbus dot rr com


  157. This is a funny one today! When I look behind me I see into my bedroom bathroom. Looking over the other shoulder is my dresser. I love the beautiful roses on this blog. Thanks for the contest. I would love to win this book. Maxie ( mac262@me.com )

  158. When I look behind me right now I see my pillow.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  159. All I see is a beige wall.

  160. My bakers rack, filled with pretty dishes, a letter/stamp/sticker holder that comes in handy. (And my black internet box)

  161. When I look behind me I can see out my window and look at the changing of the leaves on all the trees.

  162. When I look behind me I see my husband drinking his morning coffee and surfing the internet.


  163. right behind me is my kitchen :o)

  164. My pittie, lying on the bed behind me snoring!!

  165. My living room window...but I can't see what's outside in the dark!
    tmyoung at rochester dot rr dot com

  166. A painting on the wall that says "My God shall supply all your needs." :)

  167. A bay window looking out to my back yard. The leaves are turning yellow and red.

  168. I see my son, playing a game...

  169. I see our book shelf! :)

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com


Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts.