Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1. tightly do you cling to tradition when it comes to holiday gatherings and celebrations? For instance do you always do the cooking, never eat at home, always go to grandma's, never miss the parade, always watch football, never change the menu, always eat at 2 PM, etc.? Have you ever celebrated Christmas or Thanksgiving away from hearth, home, and family? How did that feel?

While we like our traditions, we have flexibility to change things up and maybe even start a new one or two along the way and drop those that don't necessarily mean that much to our family. We're able to adjust to what ever works for us each year.

The girls and I do all the cooking. We have a small kitchen so having the entire family working in there is too much and we just get into each other's way. LV and Kenneth will help dish out the food though and help put the finishing touches on the meal.

We record the parade, but fast forward through most of it when we watch it.  Football isn't important to me at all, but yes, LV will watch it between napping after our big meal.

We usually add a something new to our menu each year. If we all love it we'll make it again the next year, otherwise it gets dropped. We have eleven dishes that always appear on our Thanksgiving menu, but the rest is more flexible.

We have celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving away from home already. We don't care for it.

2. it easy for you to ask for help or are you a do-it-yourselfer? How is that a good/bad thing?

I am more of a do-it-yourselfer. I don't like bothering other people with my things. I know everyone has plenty to do without having to help me. There are times ... few and far between ... when I will ask for help if I really need it.

3. Abundance...what is there an abundance of in your kitchen?

At the moment there is an abundance of dirty dishes in the kitchen. Rosie Mae wanted to try a new recipe for breakfast this morning and the kitchen bears the tale.

Though yesterday I discovered I have not three, not four, but five containers of cottage cheese in the refrigerator! How does that even happen?

4. Name...the smallest thing you're thankful for? the biggest?

The smallest ... light switches. I love the ease of having light, and how it's bright enough to fill an entire room. I was recently reminded of just how much I like to have light when I was by some Amish people and even though twilight was approaching and it was hard to see anything properly they wouldn't light their lamps until it was too dark to see. (I do NOT miss that part of being Amish!)

The biggest ... salvation. Need I say more? I'm thankful everyday for my loving Saviour and what He has done for me.

5. Key...What do you think is the key to living a more grateful life?

Choosing to be grateful no matter what is the key to living a grateful happy life. Works for me at least.

6. State your own random thought here.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

May your turkey behave as a Thanksgiving turkey should. If you wonder what I mean by that click here to read a funny poem of a turkey that did not. It's a poem the girls memorized several years ago and it still brings a smile to my face when ever I hear it.


  1. That's a great idea about taping the Parade. We my try it this year. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

    1. We had a lovely Thanksgiving. I hope yours was as well.

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers today! Yes, light switches are a blessing. I find myself often thanking the the Lord for things like electricity and hot water.

    Hope your family will have a wonderful Thanksgiving. It sounds as if it will be a delicious one!

    1. Thanks. Yes, our Thanksgiving was delicious ... as are the leftovers. :)

  3. Eleven dishes?? Wow, I'd love to read the list! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I can't tell you how many times I thank the Lord for hot running water.

    1. The eleven things that make an appearance at all our Thanksgiving meals are:

      Thanksgiving Mashed Potatoes
      Turkey Dressing
      Broccoli Salad
      Italian Salad
      Green Bean Casserole
      Corn Casserole
      Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Bacon
      Cranberry Sauce

      Thanksgiving Pudding
      Pumpkin Pie
      Pecan Pie

      So thankful for hot running water too.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! We have celebrated by Thanksgiving and Christmas while living in motels, as many other military families have done. However, you are right, it isn't fun to celebrate those holidays away from home. I enjoyed reading your answers today.

  5. You have a huge menu for Thanksgiving. My first thought was about all the dishes just from the prep work!

    1. The dishes are definitely the drawback to have such a large meal.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    And thank you for sharing that poem. I laughed out loud! I think I'm going to print it off and take it to our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.


    1. Glad you enjoyed the poem. We've really enjoyed it.

  7. A very happy Thanksgiving to you. I love your list -- I think we are quite in agreement!

  8. It sounds as though you will be having a fabulous feast! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    1. We really enjoyed our meal! Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely.

  9. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Mary Ann. Our day will be different as we're driving to central Washington to have dinner with friends who also have no family close by. They have small children and it's always a joy to spend holidays with children. They are also believers and I know that will be included in our Thanks Giving.

    1. I'm so glad you got to spend Thanksgiving with friends. I hope it was a lovely day.

  10. I loved your post. We agree on so much, and I even put up my Christmas tree in the middle of November. When my family first asked me why, I said, "what else am I more grateful for but my salvation, and Christmas is a celebration of my savior." We cook too much and get together and eat and give thanks for several days. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    1. Our Christmas tree is up as well. It makes everything a little cheerier. A definite plus on these gray November days.

  11. Eleven items, wow, that's a lot. Bet there will be some good eats at your house tomorrow. Love your light switch answer, I would agree for sure. Hope it is a most special Thanksgiving for you and yours!

    1. We enjoyed all the food!

      Hope your Thanksgiving was special as well.

  12. I love that poem! I did laugh out loud at the ending! One year we had Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant - I think it was the holiday after my dad died - but it certainly wasn't the same as eating at home. We take turns with Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving; the hostess makes the main dish and everybody bring something. This year we're at our eldest daughter's home, and I'm bringing two desserts and a vegetable.

    1. Glad you got a laugh at the poem. The ending was very unexpected the first time I read it.

      Your system of doing Holiday celebration sounds very nice.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! ( I had a good chuckle as I read that little poem).

    1. I'm glad the poem gave you a chuckle!

      Hope your Thanksgiving was a happy one.

  14. I enjoyed your hodgepodge answers...I have never joined it, but I should. and I loved that turkey poem!

    1. Glad you loved the poem.

      You're welcome to join the Hodgepodge anytime. I think you'll find us a welcoming group. :)

  15. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving as well.


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