Monday, August 23, 2010

Prayers for Friends

How do you deal with things that weigh heavily on your mind?  Do you turn to food for comfort? Do you dig in and work hard deep cleaning everything in sight? Do you feel tired and listless and want nothing more than taking a long nap? Or do you turn to meditation and your Bible?

I have to admit that I turn to all four options. And recently there has been a lot weighing on our minds.  One of our very best friends needs a heart transplant. The doctors saying that is the only hope of survival. Surgery is today and I can't think of much else. I'm sure the family would appreciate any prayers on their behalf.

We are waiting for another friend to regain consciousness after suffering serious head injuries from a horrible accident a little over a week ago.

It makes our own problems look small in comparison and reminds me of how very fragile and uncertain life can be.

Thanks for taking time to read this.


  1. Precious Lord,
    We thank you that you are the great physician...and we place these needs before you. We ask that you wrap your arms around these two hurting people...give the doctors wisdom as they care for them...give their families strength and comfort in this most difficult time. We are asking for a miracle, Lord, and we know that You are more than able. And we are so grateful for your goodness and mercy.

    In His Most Holy Name,

  2. Prayers for both of your friends. I am so happy for the one on the transplant list to have been given one.

    A dear friend of mine growing up who married my first cousin back in 1970, always healthy as could be. Has been on the heart transplant list for a year now. Her heart just started dying. She has some type of a pump that pumps for the part that has died. Looked like a laptop case she was carrying around, then she had another setback and got a different type that looks more like a purse, and since then had to have a defibrillator put in. Still on the list...been number one in this area for a long time. Think they have one and then no back on the list.

  3. i'm so sorry about your friends. i hope and pray that all is well. i tend to do the same as you in handling the stress.

  4. Our prayers are with your friends, and also with you as you struggle with worry and the unknown. ♥♥ The more prayers the better - I'm glad you posted this.

  5. It seems like when it pours. Sorry to hear about your dear friends. I think I do a little of all of these as well. I will be praying for both of your friends.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear of your friends' struggles! I will be praying for them, and you as you deal with all the emotions that come with medical emergencies!

  7. Praying for the health needs and for comfort for the families and friends.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts.