Monday, May 20, 2024


Reading ...  in the Bible I'm making my way through II Kings. In other reading I'm stalled out. So far this year I have reread several of my favorite series, but any other books I'm picking up are simply not holding my attention. It doesn't help that there seems to be a thousand and one other things begging for my attention

Watching ... Steven informed me that there is a spinoff series of Andy Griffith called Mayberry RFD, so I went ahead and requested it from the library. We have been watching an episode after lunch most days. It's decent, if you're okay having different main characters, and Millie doesn't get on your nerves too much.

Listening ... to happily singing birds, pleasant notes from the wind chimes as it sways in the gentle breeze, and voices in the other room.

Baking ... there are some chocolate chip cookies in the oven.

Cooking ... I have been trying a new recipe everyday so far this year. I have really been enjoying it and the family has not been complaining about it either. Two of our favorites so far have been recipes for honey pepper chicken and a creamy ravioli soup.

Feeling ... energetic and ready to tackle life with renewed vigor. 

Disliking ... the spiders that are beginning to create their webs in the corners of the windows.

Several years ago someone introduced us to some spray to to use outside windows and doors to keep spiders away. It worked beautifully. Prior to using it the outsides of our windows got dirty within a day or two of washing them because of all the spider activity. 

I didn't spray last year and now this year they seem to be returning so time to dig out the spray. I have searched both basement and attic and have been unable to find it. Unless I am able to find it in the next day or so we'll have to buy some more because I really don't want to have to do battle with spiders until winter rolls around.

Loving ... all the flowers that are blooming right now. I'm featuring two of my favorites here.


Playing ...  Skyjo is still one of my favorites, but House of Anubis has been making it to the table quite a bit lately and it's always a good time to be had by all when we play it.

Cleaning ... I washed some windows today, but decided to wait to do the rest until I locate the spray for the spiders.

Creating ... things for the upcoming wedding. 

Thinking ... I really want to get back to blogging more regularly.  I've missed it during my almost three month absence.

I've instructed myself to make at least one post per week for the rest of the year with occasional extras tossed in. 


  1. I really dont like spiders! Hope you can get rid of them.

    1. I hope so too! Spiders at the windows or in the house I don't care for at all!

  2. I wonder if there is a homemade version of the spray you can make for the spiders.

    1. I don't know if there is a homemade version of this spray or not. Originally I had been hesitant using something "poisonous" but was desperate to get rid of the spiders and all the filth on the windows. This worked really well, and having to only spray once a year to get rid of the problem has been worth it!

  3. That is some achievement to try a new recipe every day. My daughter tries new recipes but not that often. But she has found several that have become favorites. Honey Dijon Chicken for one, but so far I have looked on line and not found the recipe she uses. But we all love it. She will cook something once and then alter it to get the flavor she wants next time...but I don't think she altered its flavor much.

  4. Your purple flowers are gorgeous! I love to hear the birds sing, and I am also making a new recipe every day. I really want to know the name of the spider spray; I want to order it.

    1. The spider spray is called Spider Killer. We get it from Tractor Supply

  5. I always enjoy your posts, Mary Ann! Your flowers are beautiful. Are they rhodos? Wishing you a beautiful day.

  6. Love reading your blog!

  7. We don't like to use poisonous sprays outdoors unless we have to, but I sure understand getting rid of those spiders in the windows. Great to see you back at blogging!

  8. Up coming wedding, did we miss an announcement? I thought you decided to stop blogging.

  9. So glad to see you resuming blogging! I'm also trying out new recipes, although my ambition extends only to a couple of times a week.

    I'm trying my hand at raising bog plants. Sadly, the little venus flytrap seems despondent, but the pitcher plant looks reasonably lively.

    1. Tell me more about thee bog plants! We live in a swamp - seriously, the front yard is listed as marshland on the property tax bill. We have the only riding mower in the area with pontoons.

  10. Adding ... I agree with you about Mayberry RFD. I loved the Andy Griffith Show, but never warmed up to Mayberry RFD.


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