Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. February is coming to a close. Give us a two-word phrase that tells us something about how yours went.

Too fast

2. If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on? Explain. 

I've never been to an amusement park, so I'm not familiar with the ride options other than a roller coaster which would work for this answer with all the ups and downs, twists and turns.

3. What's something on your desk or a nearby wall that cheers you up when you see it or walk past? 

On our desk, well technically it's inside our desk, but since the roll top is open the majority of the time I see two recipe boxes that make me feel happy every time I see them. The girls and I had gone to Hobby Lobby where they saw these lemon design recipe boxes and asked if I'd fill them with our favorite recipes for them before they move out.

I've been enjoying working on them as I have time.

4.  Are you a salad eater? How many salads do you typically eat in a week? Your favorite kind of salad? 

I love salads! I try to have at least one salad per day, sometimes more. My favorite is a loaded salad we do with romaine lettuce, cheese, ham, dried cranberries, and  hard boiled eggs. With either my Mom's recipe for a white dressing or my homemade blue cheese dressing to finish it off.

5. Without telling us the category give us your top five ______________. 


6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Our day started off with a boom-banging thunderstorm that has now settled into a gentle rain. I love rainy days, they make the perfect backdrop for fun projects and baking.

I want to bake some bars and maybe some cookies. My plans for the day had included baking the bars, but I'm adding cookies since my Dad called a few minutes ago saying that he's in the area today and would like to stop in for a few minutes. 

I want to have his favorite cookies ready for him when he gets here.


  1. I guess you're right that rainy days are good for catching up on projects but I hate them. I want to like rainy days but that is just not me!

  2. Our community has been under drought warnings since last summer. My grateful heart celebrates every drop of rain. Thank You Lord

  3. I love to bake on a rainy cozy! Enjoy your day!

  4. I also love a rainy day, however my plans for such a day rarely include being in the kitchen. I much prefer sitting with a book and music in the background. Your plans are much more productive. Enjoy your dad's visit.

  5. Rainy days make me want to nap - lol! There's nothing more tasty than homemade cookies fresh out of the oven. Hope your dad enjoys them!

  6. I love a rainy day at home when I can potter. Alas right now we are in summer, so not much rain.. but looking forward to the cooler weather. I hope you had a lovely time with your dad and that he enjoyed the biscuits. The loaded salad sounds yum. Thanks for the update, I always love reading about your memories or what you are up to.

  7. We just got that cold front! I'm sure your Dad appreciated the cookies. Hope you had a lovely visit! I worked at our local school today. Got home before the front hit. Cooler tomorrow. It has been in the 50's!! We have not hit below 0 yet this winter.

  8. Those recipe boxes you're working on sound like a wonderful gift and project. We started the day with a huge thunderstorm and tornado sirens too. Glad it settled down by the time I went to work!

  9. Yesterday was one of those rainy days here...I opted for a couple of movies with a blanket over me and the pups beside me!

  10. I luv rainey days,as long as I don't get wet😄 the best sewing days are on rainey days

  11. I agree. February went by way too fast. I love that your girls want you to fill recipe boxes for them. I need to do something like that for my girls...I need to venture more into making my own dressings.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts.