Friday, September 27, 2024


Reading ... in the Bible I'm back in the Psalms this morning.

In other books. As much as I love reading it's been a few days since I've actually cracked open a book for the simple pleasure of reading.

I have been using plenty of recipe books and school books if we're counting them.

Writing ... text messages, a letter or two, and grocery lists.

Watching ... the drifting leaves as they dance in the air on their journey from the tree top to the ground below.

Our big maple tree outside the living room window is rapidly losing its leaves.

Listening ... to a mockingbird. Every morning it comes and sits in the maple tree and sings its heart out for twenty to thirty minutes. It's so beautiful. This morning I tried to record it, but as soon as I stood at the window to do so it quit singing until I once again resumed my morning activities. I decided to simply enjoy its performance without recording.

Baking ... most recently Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies from an old family favorite recipe, and a Chicken Bacon Ranch Stromboli from a new recipe I wanted to try. Only it turned into simply a Chicken Ranch Stromboli because I forgot to add the bacon until I had the dough all nicely closed around the filling contents and was sliding it in the oven. It was still good, but would have been better with the bacon.

Cooking ... tonight I'm doing a loaded tater tot casserole and a salad. It's simple yet quite tasty. The perfect way to start a weekend.

Feeling ... so happy to be at home!! After several weeks of road-tripping which included attending the wedding of LV's niece in Montana as well as lots of hiking at various points of interest on the circuitous way there and back, it feels fantastic to get to sleep in our own bed, cook our own food, and simply relish the ordinary little life we live in this old farmhouse.

We took hundreds and hundreds of pictures along the way, one of my favorites was this one.

Disliking ... the chokingly heavy fog we had for several days this week. I don't mind it too much if I'm indoors, but having to drive in it, or knowing your loved ones are out there driving in it is not fun! It was the source of some "interesting" stories that I prefer to not have had happen.

Loving ... autumn. I think it is my favorite season. I love it so much!

Playing ... last evening Steven and I played multiple rounds of Pass the Panda. Such a simple yet fun little game.

Cleaning ... today I tackle the lazy susans in the kitchen again. I try to at least once a month because it seems they demand attention quite regularly. 


  1. Hope your interesting stories don't include any UFO abductions. They seem to happen on long drives where night or fog is involved, it's a good idea to have one's firearm along for any long road trips.

  2. I enjoyed the visit this morning. We also just returnd from a camping trip to the Black Hills in S. Dakota. Did you drive I-90 in SD going to Montana? That is also a beautiful drive. I hope you're day is beautiful my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  3. It's always good to be home after a long trip, even is we did have an enjoyable time. I love Autumn, too! Blessings!

  4. Where is Stephen?? Thanks for posting always a good read!!!

  5. How are the wedding plans coming along?

  6. What a lovely post! I always enjoy reading about your day, your pictures, and the games with Stephen.

  7. I enjoyed reading your 'currently' list. Some resonate with me, like watching magical transformation each day of autumn or missing your bed and pillow on a trip, no matter how comfortable hotels may be. Thank you, Mary Ann (if I got your name correctly)) Have a great week end!


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