Friday, April 19, 2019

Q ~ Questions

    The most popular question we receive after someone learns that we used to be Amish is: "Why did you leave?"
    We usually ask them how much time they have to listen to our answer. The super short answer is that we became born again, and our "new belief" no longer meshed with the Amish faith.
     I have shared our story over a series of posts here on my blog, but today I'll share the highly condensed version we usually share with those asking that question.

    It was our spring communion at church and we were all standing waiting to be served the bread and wine. My stomach was in knots and I felt cold and clammy all over. I felt from the very depths of my being that this is all fake, just a ritual and meant nothing. And these words kept running through my mind. "Your new moon and appointed feasts my soul hateth they are a trouble to me I am weary to bear them."
     As we were driving home from church LV was extra quiet. That night after we were done with our chores we talked about the church service and we were both surprised to hear we had both felt sick and had the same words running through our mind at communion. We decided to see if they can be found in the Bible. We flipped through but really had no idea where to start looking. We read bits and pieces and LV announced we would read every day until we found some answers.
     We remembered a verse we had memorized in school Matthew 7:7 (the ask, seek, knock verse) We decided to claim that as our own and prayed God would show us what He wanted us to see. We read faithfully, sure that somewhere in the Bible we would find those words we had heard. As we were reading we discovered there was a lot more to know and learn than we had ever imagined. We enjoyed the four gospels, but the rest of the New Testament seemed like a bunch of gibberish that made no sense. The Old Testament fascinated us with all the history and we kept reading and finally we came across the verse we had been looking for in Isaiah 1:14. We read it and the verses that followed and puzzled over why we had, had this verse in our minds and what we were supposed to do now that we had found it.
     A month later we were in bed discussing once again, the Bible and what God wanted us to do. As we talked we asked ourselves if we were to die right now if we would go to heaven and what we saw was terrifying. We knew without a doubt we were on our way to hell, that even though we were "good" people we really had nothing whatsoever to give us hope to make it to heaven. We got out of bed and cried out to Jesus to save us, and He did. We could literally feel burdens lifted from us and the peace and joy that flooded through us I really can not describe. We knew without a doubt that Jesus had taken our sins, that we were forgiven, and something drastic had happened to us. An hour later when we got back to bed we were so happy that sleep eluded us. We spent the night praising God and looking forward to telling our parents and friends the happy news that we had finally found Jesus too.
     The next day I called my Mom and was surprised and disappointed when her reaction was totally opposite of what I expected. I had always thought she had a close relationship with God and had expected her to rejoice at my news. Instead she cried and begged and pleaded for us not to listen to the false religion Satan was trying to get us to believe, I had to cry too, I knew what we had was not from Satan and it hurt to think Mom would call it that.
     The news that we had gone bonkers spread through the Amish communities like wildfire. The following weeks were filled with calls from Amish bishops and concerned members to discourage our "strange belief" It didn't work. We knew what we had was the real thing, and the New Testament "gibberish" suddenly became clear and sweet and not gibberish at all. We were warned by the local bishop and ministers that we needed to repent and make a confession or else they would excommunicate us (give us to Satan) It was a no brainer, why would we repent that Jesus saved us? We left and have never been sorry that we did.
     Those first few months seem surreal. God was so good to us. He sent people into our life, often complete strangers to encourage us in our new life. It has been over twelve years now, and when we look back we can see how we have come a long way, and we look forward to what God has for us in the future. He has been good to us, He is good to us, and we rest in the fact that He will continue until the end.


  1. MaryAnn, I'm so glad that you and LV discovered Jesus and were saved. He wants so much for each and every person to make the decision that you did. How blessed you and your children are to be raised knowing Jesus, his love for us and the assurance of salvation and an eternity with him.
    May your Easter weekend be a blessed one as we eagerly anticipate Ressurection Sunday.

  2. I rejoice with you in your knowledge of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. What an appropriate post for Good Friday. I too felt all the weight of the world lifted from me when I accepted the gift of God. Thank you for this post and may you have a wonderful Resurrection Day.

  3. Praise God! Thank you for sharing this story again - I love it!

  4. It was good that you both had the same experience at the same time. It would have been more difficult if one was still convinced of the old ways.

  5. That is a powerful testimony. I see people around me who are very religious, but I am not seeing the fruit of a Christian in them.Too much emphasis is put on tradition and not enough on Christ.

  6. Amazing story! I'm thankful you listened to God and what was in your heart!

  7. So appreciate you sharing this. Thank you!

  8. What an amazing testimony! So happy that you both found Jesus and are now able to live in his blessings! :)

  9. Bless you and your family on this Easter week and always!

  10. Praise God that He opened your eyes, and so wonderful that He was gracious to give the gift to both of you at the same time! He is truly good and gracious!

  11. Thank you SO much for sharing this! PRAISE GOD!!!!

  12. What a joyous testimony, Mary Ann. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  13. A wonderful testimony, thank you. It can't have been easy to cope with the disapproval of family and friends, but the Lord was with you to guide you through.

  14. This was my first time to read this although I think I've read a fragment here and there. God seeks us and it's up to us what we will do with Him. So glad you were strong enough to live your new life in Christ.

    Happy Easter to all of you.

    Loretta Shumpert

  15. Hiya, I have read your story about leaving the Amish before, but somehow reading this on Easter Weekend made the hairs on the back of my next stand up. I am not that religious, but it makes me think that something/someone made this happen. As otherwise how could you both hear the same passage. I am glad that you were both able to share this journey together and that it brought you closer to God and each other.

  16. I'm just catching up reading here. This is awesome because my husband and I had a similar experience, though neither of us were Amish or anything like it. But I had been raised in a false religion and had no understanding of what it is to have a relationship with Jesus, no understanding of the Bible. God led us to a particular church meeting house - we went around it and around it for months while driving the kids around to get sleepy We both felt this impossible to ignore feeling we had to go in. We finally told each other and believing we were being led by God, went in. I tried reading the Bible and it was not making sense to me in many places - I felt lost. We also had heard some things, though at this nice place that felt wrong and the hair on our arms stood up. We looked though the Bible until we found the problem. This happened a few times, and though it was not an intentionally taught bad doctrine and just a misunderstanding of the verses or oversight, it was meant for us to trust Him and realize He would lead us. There is no feeling like it on earth. Anyway, it is such a relief to know the Truth, isn't it?

  17. Oh I forgot to add that once I had my experience with the Lord where I knew I was His the words and meanings in the Bible just jumped into my head easily.

  18. What a sweet and blessed testimony you've shared. I had not heard (read) this story before. Isn't the Lord gracious in that while we were yet sinners He willingly died for us?! And then to draw us out of that miry clay, wash us clean and save us by His grace?!!

  19. My last local Amish cousin died several weeks ago, and though I couldn’t understand a whole lot of the German, I was surprised and very pleased to hear a shift in the preaching from previous Amish funerals I have attended. in the past, it was quite common to hear the preachers say several times during their sermons that they hope this person went to heaven. This time a preacher who used to live in this community and is now in Letart, WV, stated that we cannot work our way to heaven. After he said that he said a whole lot of things I couldn’t understand, but finally, he quoted John 3:16, and said that is the answer: Believe and you will be saved. The second preacher, the bishop,, spoke about the importance of letting our lights shine. He said we can’t make it shine. We can only let it shine if we have Christ in our hearts.


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