Friday, April 5, 2019

E ~ Eggs

    Gathering the eggs everyday was one of my chores when I was a young girl.

    It used to be one of my favorite times of the day as I would get one of our old empty peanut butter pails and head out to the barn. The chickens would cluck softly as I entered their pen to search for their eggs.

   On this particular day I had gathered the eggs, the pail was almost three quarters full and I was meandering my way back across the pasture to the house slowly. For some reason I was contemplating a story I had read recently of a young girl who had a pail of eggs and she tried to swing it around in a wide circle without losing any of the eggs, and had not been successful.

    I had already tried it with a pail of water, and it had all remained inside the pail. Only a few evenings ago when I had been talking about the science behind it all to Dad as we were doing the evening chores he had done it successfully with a pail of milk.

   I was sure that girl in the book must have done something wrong, so without further thought I swung that pail up and around as fast as I could, but then things went horribly wrong. Instead of staying in the pail as the water and milk had, the eggs went flying and broke where ever they landed.

   I stared in dismay at the mess I had created, and then headed on to the house. We had plenty of eggs, if I didn't mention what happened Mom would never know. There was no such luck though. She had seen the entire thing happen, and when I stepped into the kitchen she simply said "I guess you probably don't want to try that again."

    She was right. I have never tried that again.


  1. That sounds like something I would have done:-)

  2. Yep, you have to try it at least once. I too had to get the eggs in a very undesirable hen house.

  3. I guess we all try things that don't work out so well but oh my what a mess that must have been.
    I really love how you tell a story.
    Sue of photowannabe

  4. Your mother must have been a very calm lady!

  5. Sounds like you learned that lesson quickly. I have done that with a pail of water, with some success.

  6. Oh, boy! That certainly sounds like something I would have tried. My Mum would not have been nearly so calm about it, though.

    1. Sounds like we were both the kind of young ladies who gave our mothers plenty of less than boring moments.

  7. Your Mom handled it exactly right-we all learn the hard way, even as adults.

    1. My Mom was a great example of how to be a mother.

  8. Love this story! I did lots of egg gathering, washing, and grading as a child, but never tried that!


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