Friday, May 13, 2016

Mystifying Origins

When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from?

The whole "where do babies come from" question used to be very intriguing to me.

I knew God was the one who gave babies to families, but just how He managed to do that without ever being seen was a mystery to me.

After a particularly embarrassing comment I made to a pregnant aunt, which you can read here, my Mom finally told me a little more about where babies actually came from. It was just a little disappointing to find out that God didn't make personal baby deliveries in the middle of the night after all.


  1. I went to read the account where you learned where babies come from. Hilarious! I won't be able to eat Raisin Bran now without thinking about you.

  2. Ah, but He tells us that He knits us together in the womb in the Psalms! I told my children when they were very young and first asked that when two people really love each other, sometimes baby will grow out of that love in the mommy's tummy.
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. The Amish won't talk about being pregnant. Children usually have no idea a baby is on the way until after God has given the family another baby.

  3. I choked on my food tonight while reading your previous post

    1. Sorry about that. :) Maybe I should add a disclaimer and warning to that post.

  4. Ah! But the way babies *DO* come is a lot more fun than sitting around waiting for God to drop one in your cradle.


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