Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hmmm.....  what does Plastic Spray and wax paper have in common?  Can anyone guess what they were used for while we were Amish?


  1. I don't have a clue but I'm guessing something to do with sealing? I can't wait to see though!


  2. No idea - but now I'm curious!

  3. Have no clue what so ever, but I am sure curious about it! Wendy

  4. Pressing fall leaves to hang in the window?

  5. Pressing fall leaves to hang in the window?

  6. I've never heard of plastic spray - I have no idea what you'd do with it. I like the fall leaves idea, but never needed plastic spray for that - just the wax paper... unless you'd use one or the other to preserve the leaves. Hmmm.

  7. I hope it has nothing to do with food, lol. o.O

  8. the Amish I get my caps from taught me to spray my caps with enamel paint after washing to stiffen them up, so I am wondering if this plastic spray might do the same? Using the wrap to place the cap on.

  9. Plastic spray - haven't heard of that one. Can't wait to find out!

  10. I used to use waxed paper to iron the veils on my Sunday hats. (Boy, does that ever tell my age!) I'd go with the idea of using the waxed paper to keep the plastic spray from sticking to whatever you used as a "form" for the prayer caps.

  11. I was going to suggest to stiffen your coverings.

  12. i'm going to guess sliding around on the floor, or waxing the floor?

  13. I know what we used wax paper for when I was a kid...sliding down those metal slides :) It made it so much faster and it was so fun! I doubt that's what you used it for though :)

  14. yep, slidding accross the kitchen floor......

  15. We used to use the plastic spray as a covering stiffener (until we found something else), and also used wax paper for making practice coverings when trying out a new pattern. But you Amish folks might have had a more innovative use!

  16. I read the answering blog posting first. But I have never heard of Plastic Spray before. I find it interesting the use of spray enamel paint(I assume paint) and plastic spray for a stiffening like spray starch. Love learning something new!!!


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