Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1.  What's something blogging has taught you about yourself?

I have learned that I keep changing. When I read back over the first year or two of blogging there are quite a variety of things that no longer really apply to me. One is the utter loathing with which I used to view shrimp, and now I love them.

2.  Leftovers...are you in the 'reheat and eat' camp or the 'put them in the fridge until they spoil and then toss them' camp? What's your favorite thing to have leftover? What can you not abide as a leftover?

We try to reheat and eat all our leftovers, but there are occasional ones that slip through the cracks and end up being tossed. I always feel bad when that happens.

3. 'Me time'...your thoughts?

Tell me, what is that foreign concept of which you speak? Me time isn't really a thing for me unless you count blogging and writing as such. Though I do enjoy the few moments of quiet I have every morning before the rest of the family gets up.

4. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?

The three main things people approach me with for help are:

1. Writing/publishing
2. Homeschooling
3. Child training

I don't feel all that qualified to answer any of those questions, though I do try to always do my best.

5. If your childhood had a smell what would it be? Tell us why.

The smell of fresh wood shavings. My Dad had a woodworking shop in our basement where he made lovely dining room furniture. Our days were filled with the noisy hum of his machinery, and during Christmas season, the nights did as well.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

My daily walks and hikes have been reduced to staying close to the buildings. Making laps around the outside of the house or walking to the barn and back several times is as much as I feel safe doing during deer hunting season. I don't want to risk being mistaken for a deer.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I would be careful walking during deer season as well.

  2. My dad had a big bowl of Puffed Wheat for breakfast every day. That aroma can set me back years! I can also get nostalgic over the smell of pipe tobacco and cigar smoke.

    I once stepped off our back porch - wearing a BRIGHT red coat, and got showered with buck shot. We used to have a horse, and one morning she bucked and ran around as if she'd gone crazy. In both cases, it was our next-door neighbours who did the shooting. Hunting season is *certainly* exciting around here.

    1. Yikes! Glad you weren't seriously hurt, but now I like deer season even less.

  3. So funny how smells can stay with us for so long!

    1. I think they say smells are some of the strongest memory triggers.

  4. I purchased a couple of your books for my granddaughter and have often wondered if those adorable girls on the cover are yours. Yes, I think we all could look back and see that in some way we have changed over the years and what better way to observe that than our own blogging history. My dad also had a woodworking shop. Thanks for reminding me of those smells and time spent with him there.

    1. The girls on the covers of my books aren't our daughters. They are the nieces of someone at the publishing house that did my books.

      Glad I sparked some happy memories for you.

  5. I remember putting walks on hold during deer season. My stepfather has a lot of land up on the ridge that is surrounded by woods and he and Mom keep their dog close to the house during the season, too. I don't think they've bought this one an orange coat or harness yet, but the other dogs they've had wore them.

    1. It's a good idea keeping the dogs close to the house during deer season.

  6. 1.yes!
    2.portion up and freeze
    3.just so no sane person would agree to help with!
    5.Dad's wool jumper. gardening. apples fresh from the tree
    6. agreed..hunting season is dangerous!

    1. Hunting season ... I'm always glad when it's over.

  7. Yes, I have to admit that I have let those good leftovers get pushed to the back more often than I care to admit. Like you, I hate it when that happens.

    1. Unused leftovers are the worst, especially when they start looking like scary science experiments.

  8. Now that I've learned how to make smaller meals we don't have so many leftovers but when we do DH has them for his noon meal the next day.
    You're very wise to stay out of the way of careless hunters.

    1. When LV had to go to work every day I always sent the previous evening's leftovers with him for his lunch. Now that we have a business at home, that no longer happens and I'm finding it harder to get everything used, though I have now started making interesting pizzas and soups occasionally to use them.

  9. This post is reminding me to walk regularly. I putting that is a goal for 2018. Your blog has been a blessing to me through the years Mary Ann. I pray the most blessed Christmas season ever for you and your family ⛄❄

    1. I'm so happy my blog has been a blessing to you! I was feeling a little discouraged again this morning about reposting all the memory posts, but I'll keep at it. Thanks for encouraging me.

      Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas season as well.

  10. I agree with Simply Shelley, you're blog has been a blessing to me also and a place of respite. I very much enjoy settling in and reading your blog. God bless you all this Christmas season.

    1. And that's supposed to be "your" not you're. Sorry about that. 😄

    2. Thanks, Danielle ... it's really encouraging to me to know people have been blessed with my blog.

  11. I was serious about the hunting and the dangers of walking in the woods during deer hunting season. Most hunters are very responsible, but there are those that get caught up in the excitement of it all and shoot at anything that moves before confirming it is a deer. I'm not willing to take the risk of meeting that one hunter.


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