Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's officially summer (in the northern hemisphere anyway). Which summer month is best and why?

I'm going to have to go with September, because it's the month that contains only the tail-end of summer. I'm not a fan of this particular season and can't wait until it's over.
2. Can you swim? How did you learn? June 27th is National Sunglasses Day. How many pair do you own?

I think I can, and I say that because it's been twelve years since I've gone swimming. Can you forget how?

LV taught me how to swim the first summer after we got married.

I own several pairs of cheap sunglasses.

3. What characteristic do you judge most harshly in yourself? How about in others?

Probably patience, and in others it bugs me when someone starts rambling on about things that they obviously don't know what they're talking about.

4. Robert Frost wrote the now well known poem entitled The Road Not Taken. What's a road (literal or figurative) you've always wanted to travel, and where do you hope it takes you?

There are several different roads in our area that I have always wanted to travel, but somehow have never gotten around to doing that. Mostly I'd just like to see what kind of scenery they offer.

5. Popsicles-yay or nay? If you answered yay, what's your favorite flavor? 

Sadly - nay. I used to love them, but somehow with the passing time I lost my taste for them.
6. Brexit-on a scale of 1-10 how knowledgeable are you on what's involved here? (1=very knowledgeable and 10=what's Brexit) Is this news you'll follow or is it something you think won't impact your life in any way shape or form?

I'm around a 9 on it. I've heard about it, but as with most news I tend to not pay too close attention to it. There's nothing I can do about it, so why add unneeded stress to my life, is the way I look at it.

7. Share a favorite song on your summer play list.

I'm loving this one right now.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Even though summer is my least favorite season, I have been enjoying it a lot. It's been a good one for our family, so far.


  1. I'm glad you are enjoying summer. It can't seem to make up its mind here in the UK. One day it's warm and sunny then we have torrential rain and storms. We almost seem to be getting all the seasons in one day sometimes!
    I don't think we forget how to swim but our fitness levels will determine how well we do it. Right now I'd probably struggle to stay afloat lol

    1. I'm hoping to check my swimming ability sometime this summer. :)

  2. "it bugs me when someone starts rambling on about things that they obviously don't know what they're talking about". LOL Made me think of the Donald.

  3. Oh, your impatience with rambling made me think of one I should have mentioned....people who talk endlessly about themselves.

    I'm glad you're having a good summer even though you aren't all that fond of the season. I'm looking forward to heading up to Indiana Co. one of these days to hit the Amish farm stands. Produce should be going full-swing soon.

  4. I like September too. It's the middle of all the festivals and fairs that we love to attend! The weather is getting crazy, the leaves are starting to color, and the smell of wood smoke is in the air as the nights start to get cold!

  5. I agree about summer. It's overrated. But I'm glad it's been a fun one!

    1. Glad to hear I'm the only one thinking summer is over-rated. I often feel alone in that sentiment.

  6. I had never heard this song before...thanks I enjoyed it.

  7. I'm not overly fond of heat, but I detest snow, so I guess spring and fall would be top on my list of seasons. Thank you for the song, It's one I hadn't heard before.

    1. Spring and fall are pleasant seasons. :) Glad you enjoyed the song.

  8. I love that song too. There are an awful lot of people rambling about things they don't know anything at all about, particularly if you're on social media. It seems like so many express an opinion as fact.

  9. Glad you are all having a nice summer. I have heard about that song. It is encouraging a lot of people.

  10. Summer isn't my favorite season either. It just gets way too hot. Our heat index yesterday at one point was 109. Talk about hot! I prefer the winter, but even that is generally warm here. Thankfully we haven't had a 100 degrees in December yet and I hope it stays that way. :)

    What is keeping you from traveling down one of those roads that you spoke of? We've found some really cool things/places by just picking a road and going down it. It is lots of fun.

    Have a blessed day!

    1. You made me feel worn out just by reading those temps. Hope you're able to stay cool.

      About the roads ..... mostly it's time that we lack. There are always other things we'd rather be doing. One of these days ... :)

  11. We have two seasons, hot and hotter. It is too hot to go outside.

    I remember in the old days when I would go to a new city, I would have a main road I was a little familiar with. I would turn off of that road onto another road and travel that new road for a while to get familiar with it. I would not turn off of that second road until I had driven down it several times and was familiar with the area. Then I would pick a road off of it to travel. It was a great way to learn a small city or a section of a city.

  12. I love every month of the summer, despite just a few days of heat/humidity that we get here. Bugs and snakes are not favorites either, but getting up early to the birds and the extra light in the them.
    I'm with you on the country roads, what fun to see new vistas and encounter surprises of animals and flowers, etc. I hope you can take a new country road very soon. But this time don't be teaching a teen to drive. That somehow changes the scenery ;)

    1. I love hearing the singing birds, and the extra light is nice too. :) Summer has it's perks ... I guess.

      Teen drivers aren't what I think of when it comes to enjoying a scenic drive. :)

  13. Just read the Tuesday post about close encounters with drivers that lack skills. Wasn't referring to your child as a bad driver in my above post. I just recalled a recent post of yours mentioning being the mentor of a new driver in your family. Sorry for a comment of bad timing.
    Unfocused drivers seem on the increase these days. No texting while driving is the law, but even when someone is just talking on a phone makes them weave and run stop signs. A car should never be a place to muli-task.

    1. No worries ...

      Agreed, cars are not places to multi task!


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