Reading ... in the Bible, I read Philippians this morning and several Psalms.
In other books, this has been the year of rereading a lot of my favorite books. The Anne of Green Gables series still ranks as my all time favorite, and I enjoyed my reread immensely.
I'm reading The Hobbit for the first time. It's okay. I don't think it will land on my favorite books list. I'm doubtful it merits a reread, but it's okay.
The Incredible Winston Browne by Sean Dietrich though, worth every reread! Think Anne of Green Gables meets Andy Griffith and viola you have this keeper of a book.
Writing ... I'm trying to wrap up a Christmas letter to send out with the handful of cards I'll be mailing this year.
Watching ... some Home Improvement episodes. I'm oddly entertained by them.
Listening ... to an audio book. The Incredible Winston Browne I have the book, I've read it, but listening to Sean Dietrich read it is perfection. I've laughed, I've cried, and I'm bracing myself for the ending, because even though I know how it ends, it still gets me every time.
Baking ... I'm not keeping desserts on hand, so my most recent baking was a batch of dinner rolls earlier this week.
Cooking ... for tonight's dinner I'll be making lamb chops, baked potatoes, and a quick salad.
Feeling ... happy and hopeful
Disliking ... being cold. We switched from our coal furnace this winter to heating oil.
Pros of a coal furnace ... it kept the house toasty warm with a cozy kind of heat.
It was fairly affordable.
Cons of a coal furnace ... it created a lot of dirt, and no part of the house was spared dust from its use.
It needed a lot of care, including getting up in the middle of the night to tend to it.
Pros of a heating oil furnace ... it's basically carefree.
The house does not get dusty or dirty from using it.
Cons of a heating oil furnace ... the house is never ever toasty warm.
It's more expensive.
And so I'm cold a lot, and am actually looking forward to summer.
Loving ... the little pops of Christmas we have in the house. We don't do much, but the tree in the living room and the handrails of the stairs wrapped in greenery and lights make me happy.
Playing ... I dug out our Christmas and winter themed games. Steven and I have played Snowman Dice and Keys to the Ice Castle multiple times and enjoyed it a lot, but the game we have been playing the most is Stratego even though it doesn't have a hint of winter or Christmas.
Cleaning ... I cleaned out and organized the desk as well as the cupboard where I keep some craft supplies. Going through the stickers I used to use when the children were still much younger I decided it's time to pass them on. Our daughter-in-law was happy to take them for their busy three year old.