Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Hello August. What's one thing you're looking forward to this month? 

Our August appears to be packed to the brim. There are some short trips, a wedding, and more which makes it hard to narrow my choice down to only one thing, but I'm going with one of the short trips.

2. What are you doing to beat the heat right now? If you live in the southern hemisphere are you enjoying cooler temps or counting the days until summer? 

It's only 69º at our house at the moment. A bit on the chilly side for August, but I'll take it. I prefer cooler temperatures.

We do have a window air conditioning unit installed that we put to use earlier. 

3. How do you see the world? 

The world can look scary sometimes, okay a lot of the time ... but ... since most of it is beyond my control I try to focus on my own little corner of the world and make it a sweeter place. 

4. What's food product do you think is better store bought than home made? How about something you refuse to buy because it is so much better homemade? 

So far I have not found anything that comes close to being as good as brownies made from a box mix. I'm on a quest to find a recipe that is as good or better, but so far all have failed to match the perfection of those I buy at the store.

On the opposite side of the coin, I think homemade cake is so much better than a box mix or the pre-baked grocery store cake.

5. Are you easy to get along with? 

Yes, I would say so.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

This past weekend we spent time in New York. While there we visited Watkins Glen State Park. It was gorgeous as ever and I was glad the children finally got to experience it.

We also drove by my childhood home. The buildings, especially the barn and shop/garage surprised me. Somehow they appear to have shrunk quite a bit over the years. I know they didn't. but my little girl memories had them both much bigger than what they are.