Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Shopping

Not to make anyone panic, but did you realize there are only forty days until Christmas?

I usually like to have my shopping done early, that way I can sit back and enjoy the holidays with out the extra pressure of still having to find the perfect gift.

Other than our Christmas breakfast our celebration and gift giving is not extravagant at all. I have never enjoyed walking through stores trying to find something I liked because frankly, the things available did not appeal to me. We are not a barbie doll, action figure, electronic toys, and all the latest fads kind family in the least.

So I find myself turning to a few of my favorite catalogs from stores that have managed to wade through all the junk out there and select only the nicest things to sell. I decided to share the addresses of two of them today so that if you would enjoy browsing through one of their free catalogs you can send for one.

First up:

A.C. Sales Company
7792 Frease Road
Fredericksburg OH 44627

They offer a wide variety of household items, toys, games, books and other hard to find items. Almost anything you could think of.

Next up:

Yoder's Drieds & Gifts
7062 CR 77
Millersburg OH 44654

They offer the same kind of things A.C. Sales does but many different varieties plus they also include a craft section.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I am most certainly interested.
    We live over 200 miles away from a shopping mall & 1,500 - 2,000 miles away from family & friends ... mail order is the most efficient form of gift shopping for us.

  2. Panic! I have barely started my Christmas shopping - I think I am in denial this year!

    I am giving away a magazine subscription on my blog - hopefully that will be a wonderful gift for someone!

  3. I am so sorry neither one of those catalogs have an online presence. I'll resort to 'snail mail' and hope their catalogs come soon!

  4. I'm like you; I like to get the shopping done early so I can sit back and enjoy the holidays. Also, I like to have things posted out to people who I'm sending things to before we get in to December. For one it increases the chances of the people over seas getting their things on time. For another thing, I always worry about the safety of things posted in December, since we've had several things go missing in holiday post in the past.

  5. As my boys get older I find that Christmas gifts are morphing into new areas. This year most of the gifts I'm giving to them are concert tickets for various acts they like (both music and comedy) and shoes (of all things!)

  6. I have most of my shopping already done. Started the first of the year. Now just to get the homemade things finished up and my baking done later. We have so many that it is so easy for me to watch for sales throughout the year and pick up things when I find them.

    My husband laughed as it was the first of January and I discovered some 30.00 indoor/outdoor clocks that would look great on my daughters patio and the other girls decks on the homes. Bought them for 90% off and stashed them inside our closet for Christmas gifts. Then they all get something homemade and a nice platter of candy and cookies.

    Lets me enjoy the Christmas Season so much more.


  7. I too wish they were online so that I could order a catalog. I'll go with the snail mail too, but I won't count on it this year for Christmas. I'm afraid they might not make it. I do have lots of nieces and nephews that I buy for throughout the year, maybe I could find some things in the catalogs.

    I start my Christmas shopping this weekend. I have 5 sisters and we all go Christmas shopping together every November.

  8. Thank you for those addresses! How are you feeling these days...and if I'm not being too nosey, when are you expecting your gift to arrive?

  9. For years I worked at an elementary school so my time preparing for Christmas was limited. I found out that if I did the majority of my cookie baking AFTER Christmas, they seemed to last a bit longer and the kids got to have some fun since we were all home every day! It gave us some fun and warming things to do during our vacation. In the meantime, thanks for posting the addresses for the companies! Even though I'm now semi retired and only work a few days a week, I started online and mail-order shopping. I no longer like shopping centers and it's fun to watch for FedEx, UPS and Postal Carrier! :-)


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