1. The Wednesday Hodgepodge this week falls on John Chapman's birth date. He's
more famously known as Johnny Appleseed...what's your favorite variety of apple?
I really like a lot of different apples but, my favorite variety of apple is Fuji. So delightfully crisp, sweet, and juicy.
There is a variety though that I keep looking for and so far have not been able to find. My search is a little more complicated since I can't remember the name of the apple but I do remember how it tasted.
It was a Saturday afternoon, the winter I was sixteen, and the fruit peddler had stopped at our house. The back of his truck was loaded with bushel boxes filled with apples. Mom bought several bushels of Yellow Delicious and before the peddler left he tried to sell her a bushel of a brand new variety. She wasn't interested knowing that Yellow Delicious were the family favorites, besides this new variety was more expensive.
The peddler gave her one to sample, sure that we would want to buy some the next time he made his rounds.
Mom came into the house with the funny shaped apple. It was much more flat than the apples we were used to eating and the color was intriguing as well from yellowish green spots to a dark reddish purple. It didn't look very appetizing to me.
That evening Mom peeled it and we each got two slices. Biting into it there seemed to be an explosion of flavors. Almost as if I had a bite of an apple, grapes, and pears. We all loved it and wished we had bushels and bushels to enjoy. We were looking forward to the next time the peddler came so we could buy some.
Unfortunately by the time he got to our house he was sold out of that variety. Too many other people had been wanting them too. We never did get any more of those apples and I will continue sampling new kinds when ever I have a chance in hopes that I will be able to find them again.
2. When did you last say 'ick'?
Yesterday, leaking diapers have a way of making me say that.
3. Do you think there's a
generation gap? Explain.
I think this varies a lot from family to family. I never felt that way and was always close to my Mom and grandparents. We all loved talking so there wasn't much chance of any of us not understanding how the other was feeling.
4. What's on your computer screen
saver? Do you leave it alone or change it often?
My computer background is a picture of a patch of lily-of-the-valley flowers. I change it once a month or so. My screen saver is bubbles and I never change it.
5. If you had the
attention of the entire world for two minutes, what would you say?
I would ask them to forget their differences, life is much too short and precious to be focused on that.
6. Four fashion trends to try this fall are-brocade/jacquard
(fancy printed fabrics), peplum, lace, and printed pants...which of these four
would you be most likely to wear?
I'm really not a fan of any of those options though lace does sound the nicest to me.
7. What can make your bad day better?
Having little arms flung around my neck and hearing the words "I love you, Mom" is always a day brighter.
8. Insert your own
random thought here.
The way the yard looks in front of our house I think it's time to start raking leaves even though they have only started falling.