Saturday, August 24, 2024


Reading ... this week I took a break from my journey of reading through the Bible, and simply spent time reading various Psalms.

In other books I enjoyed Houses with a Story one afternoon while Steven was fishing. He loves fishing, I love reading. He needs me to provide transportation to his fishing spot, so while he enjoys a few hours fishing I get to enjoy a few hours of reading in the middle of the day. 

Writing ... I've been making progress on a story I really want to read, but I need to get it written first before I can do that.

Watching ... some YouTube videos on various creative things I'm wanting to try my hand at.

Listening ... to the windchimes on the front porch and an exuberantly happy bird. 

Baking ... there's sourdough rising on the kitchen counter waiting to be made into some bread. Sharon does something with sourdough every week, So many, many delectable treats we have had thanks to her.

Last week she made some sourdough cinnamon toast crunch cereal. Even though we'd tweak the recipe a bit next time, it was still a success.

Cooking ... We enjoyed a chowder, chicken soup, and chili this week. Somehow it seemed like the thing to do with our house being so cold.

Disliking ... how cold our house is. This morning when I got up it was 64º  It's at 67º now which is still too cold for me, but I refuse to have a heater going in August!

Loving ... creating Dutch Doors in my bullet journal. It's been  relaxing and almost rejuvenating allowing my creativity to flow.

Playing ...  since the last time I made a post the games we played the most at our house were King of Tokyo,  Samurai Gardener, and Dutch Blitz

I also participated in a variety of shower games at Rosie Mae's bridal shower last Saturday.

Cleaning ... this week I didn't do much other than the daily dozen and washing the kitchen window after a bird managed to create a splattered mess on it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Second Chance?

     LV and I stared at the loaded plate on the table in front of us and then looked at each other dubiously.

    We had driven past this particular seafood restaurant many times. We had looked at the reviews online. Both of us love seafood, and the day had finally arrived that we try eating here.

    But the loaded plate in front of us was not looking encouraging.

    We had decided to share an appetizer of coconut shrimp. Something both of us have liked at any other restaurant we've ever tried them. Different recipes for sure, but all quite tasty.

    The abomination in front of us though was something neither of us had envisioned when we had placed our order.

    The shrimp weren't breaded. They were battered in such a hefty batter they were now easily three times bigger than they had originally been. An odd white sauce was doused over them, and then sweetened coconut straight from a bag from the grocery store poured over the top. Presented to us by a smiling and bowing waiter who after setting it on the table, immediately scurried away. 

    After eyeing it for a few moments, LV became courageous enough to give one a try. One bite was more than enough for him. The sauce tastes like toaster strudel frosting, he declared.

    I had to see for myself. I scraped the untoasted coconut to the side and gave the shrimp a try. The batter was bad enough, but the frosting ... dreadful. It really did taste exactly like toaster strudel frosting. Which, as it turns out does not go well with shrimp.

    What could possibly be happening in the kitchen we wondered. Did the chef not show up and some brave but clueless waitress or waiter was trying their best to make something they had no clue how? 

    Our entree arrived soon, and though it wasn't sweet it too was very, very bad.

    We paid, left, and ordered a pizza.

    Since that epic failure of a meal I have really wanted to go back and order the coconut shrimp again just to see if that is actually how they mean for them to be served, or if we simply happened to be there on an unfortunate night.

    The mere thought of eating there again makes LV shudder. So instead of giving them a second chance we simply laugh at the memory every time we drive by, of what had been the worst meal we have ever had.