Friday, July 26, 2024


Reading ... I'm somewhere in the book of Jeremiah in the Bible.

In other books I read Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M. Montgomery. Such a delightful treat. I don't know how I never read it before, but to be able to read it for the first time now. Ah ... I thoroughly enjoyed every delicious minute of it.

I was recently introduced to The Blythes are Quoted by L.M. Montgomery as well. I have started reading it, but am only at the very beginning of the book so I can't tell yet if I'll like it as much as her other books.

Writing ... Rosie Mae had requested I get her copies of her favorite family recipes, so I've been working on getting them written on recipe cards and tucked into a cheerful little recipe box. Sharon and Paige said they also want a copy of them, so I'm doing three copies of each recipe. 

I'm happy to do it, but my hand does get tired at times. Apparently it can no longer spend hours doing handwriting like it used to.

Watching ... still an episode of Little House on the Prairie most everyday. Just between you and me, I'm kind of getting sick of it. I think I need a break, and maybe watch a cooking show or two.

Listening ... to Pride and Prejudice on Libby. I have tried reading Jane Austen books numerous times over the years, but always gave up. Listening to it makes it ten times more tolerable and I'm finding I'm actually quite enjoying it. 

Baking ... Sharon has "Charlie", her sourdough starter on the kitchen counter. She just fed it, so some delightful sourdough treat will be baked tomorrow.

Though not baking, I did cook up a batch of Vanilla Bean Pudding for dessert last night. We'll have what remains of it tonight.

Cooking ... tonight supper will consist of lamb chops, baked potatoes, and a quick salad.

Feeling ... happy, and just slightly claustrophobic. The school room has become the storage place for all things wedding related, and well,  it's making me feel crowded, itchy, and yes, a touch claustrophobic.

Loving ... these gorgeous summer days. We still desperately need rain, but it's no longer as hot. It's hard not to love the weather even as we hope for rain.

Playing ... today Steven and I played a few rounds of Top Trumps Fishing. He loves everything to do with fishing, including games so he quite enjoyed it. I like that the game is a bit educational with some facts about fish, while still being fun to play.

Cleaning ... nothing special this week other than the daily dozen and washing a window thanks to the exuberant killing of a pesky fly.


  1. I too like Little House but I’ve been watching The Waltons now for a change. It’s nice because my cable company shows a few episodes in a row if I feel like binge watching a couple. Nice wholesome show for the most part

  2. It's been years since I read "Jane of Lantern Hill". I'm glad you are savouring this story as you read it for the first time. I love LMM. As always, I enjoyed your Currently post. I'm curious to know what your daily dozen in your Cleaning entry includes. :) Happy weekend, Mary Anne.

  3. I'm reading 1 Thessalonians right now and also writing it in a notebook. I find writing it helps me remember scriptures. I used to be able to write several pages at a time but now I'm happy to just get 3/4 of a page filled before my hand begins to write scribbles. :-) Oh well, I'm doing my best.
    I gave each of our children copies of favorite family recipes in a notebook one Christmas. I cheated though and printed them out on the computer! I also handwrote which recipe was which persons favorite. They all loved them and was very surprised and happy.
    Our granddaughter, Piper, made foccacia bread yesterday morning and when Papa took her home after swimming with us in the afternoon she sent some bread with him. It was her first attempt and really good. She even put dried rosemary on top. Yum!
    Wishing you a very blessed Saturday Mary Ann.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I call my stater "Jane" - as in Jane Dough.


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