Saturday, April 15, 2017

M ~ M's from my Idea Book

Menus This has been mentioned several times already, but menus are a pretty important part of my idea books, so I'm mentioning them again. We go grocery shopping once a week, so planning out our menu is very helpful in knowing exactly what I need to get. Not only does it help me make sure I have everything I need for all our meals, it also helps me to not buy things that I might not get used before they spoil.

Memories Each of my idea books has a section where I jot tidbits of conversations and happenings in our family. I love looking back over all these little memories. It's something I'll always cherish.

Memes Somewhat the same as the linkups I mentioned yesterday, but they're a little more topic specific. I may use them someday ... maybe ... who knows.

Me Easily the most private part of my idea books. It's the section where I focus on me and the things that I would like to become better at.


  1. That's a great idea to include memories in your idea book. What a treasure to read and reflect on at a later date!

    Ann, A to Z Challenge Participant
    Harvest Moon by Hand – a blog about homeschooling, crafting, cooking, and nature
    Maple Syrup; Martin Luther King, Jr; and Migration .

  2. I had not thought to include memories in an idea book.

  3. Memories - I used to jot down little things my daughter would say so that I had them handy for scrapbooking. Two cute ones were hynena and hippotapotamus.


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