Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Instead of participating in the usual Wednesday Hodgepodge today, I thought I would do something a little different and talk about some of the things that are happening in my life currently.

Reading ... I finished Corinthians this morning and am ready to start Galatians tomorrow. It's one of my favorite books in the New Testament and I'm looking forward to reading it again. Besides the Bible, I'm reading several other books. In the non fiction category there's a book I got from the library on herbs and remedies. I had high hopes for it, but it's been a disappointment. I already know more than it does. In fiction I'm reading The Loyal Heart by Shelley Shepard Gray. I'm enjoying it so far.  Then there are the books we're doing for school which includes getting to listen and read along as Steven carefully reads each new chapter in his reading books.

Writing ... I have several different things I'm writing. Letters, journal, blog, and a story that I don't know whether or not it will ever see the light of day, but it's one that insists on being written. I'm enjoying it, and can't wait until it's done so that I get to read it.

Listening ... to the children discuss the proper pronunciation of a word. One of them is having a difficult time trying to say it correctly so it includes a lot of laughter.

Thinking ... of everything that I want to get done today. We're deep cleaning the kitchen again. The girls and I were working on it the past two days already, but hope to finish up today. I love when everything sparkles and gleams as if it were brand new.

Wishing ... a number of different things. Right now though I'm wishing I could be planning a nice big garden. The seed catalogs that are arriving in the mail are really awakening the desire to garden again.

Hoping ... that no cavities will be found at the children's dentist appointments later this week.

Wearing ... a soft fuchsia top and a teal swirly patterned skirt. The colors clash horribly, but it's what my hands found in the dark this morning when I got up. I'll head upstairs to change after Steven wakes up.

Loving ... the nice cozy heat our furnace produces. It may be bitterly cold outside, but I'm toasty warm.

Wanting ... a new pastry brush after mine got ruined. Funny story behind that. I may or may not share it some day.

Needing ... to plan the menu for next week and create the grocery shopping list. I enjoy menu planning so it's something I always look forward to doing.

Feeling ... incredibly blessed. My husband, our children, our happy home, and most importantly our loving Saviour.


  1. I'm always interested in herbal remedies myself and have found that there's no-one herbal book that covers everything I'd like to know. I'm very interested in Amish folk medicine, and I know other people who are, also. That's something that non-Amish people don't have access to. A book written on that subject would be a very well-received book in my mind. Several years ago you had mentioned a sore throat tea, and I inquired about it at the time. Thank you, once again for letting me know what you used. I've used heal-all ever since that time for sore throat and it does work very well. I would plop money down on the counter for such a book in a heartbeat. A lot of people are starting to realize that they've been hoodwinked in more areas than just politics. Not all Healthcare is what it ought to be so a book of herbal remedies that have been tried through the years would be a valuable thing to own.

    1. I have thought about doing a book on the remedies and herbs we used to use while we were Amish. I don't know if I ever will, but there is a possibility.

  2. What a fun list. I'm wishing I could plant a garden now, too -- well, June can't be THAT far away...

    1. Winter seems to be the longest season in our area, but you're right ... June will be here before we know it.

  3. I am reading Ephesians. Like you I am dreaming of setting up a garden, the plans are been made and gardening books and seed catalogues referred to.

  4. I enjoy making the weekly menu as well. The sale flyers come out today ( Wed.) so I try to buy what's on sale.

    1. I also like building my menu around foods on sale.

  5. A lovely list. It is a good thing to stop and contemplate amid the busy details of everyday. I often forget.

    1. I find it's good for me to slow down and appreciate the little things in life.

  6. Yes, you're welcome to use the list of prompts. I look forward to reading your answers.


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