Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1.  In a rut, in a jam, in the groove, out of synch, off balance, out of touch...which saying best fits some area of your life currently (or recently)? Explain.

In the groove seems to fit my life quite well. School is going smoothly and our daily schedules seem to be flowing nicely. Most of 2017 had been in somewhat of a topsy turvy state, so to finally be in more of a groove feels lovely.

2. What is it about somebody else's style of work (coworker/employee/shared volunteer project/household chore) that makes you crazy? Why?

A certain child of mine who shall remain nameless drives me a little "crazy" by the way he/she holds a pencil when doing school work. Not the way I taught that a pencil should be held, but the work gets done so it continues being held uncomfortably.

3. What's a tradition that always makes you feel at home?

A daily tradition ... having the entire family gathered at the table to eat.

Holiday traditions ... we've made so many of our own, but one thing I've carried over from our previous life aka Amish is having our traditional Thanksgiving pudding. It's still my favorite Thanksgiving dessert.

4. A favorite song with a girl's name in the title or lyrics? Any reason why this is a particular favorite?

Mary did you Know, by the Pentatonix
Yes, it's a Christmas song, but I love it any time of the year. It gives me shivers, just listening to it, and the Pentatonix sing it beautifully.

5. Share a favorite quote, verse, or saying relating to gratitude or thanksgiving.

Gratitude helps us see what is; instead of what isn't.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of tradition. Every year I make a 45 Day Fruitcake. Every year I wonder why I mess with the aggravation of making it. Every year once it's time to eat it I think it was worth it. I'm at day 12 of 45 right now. At the beginning of the phase where I ask myself why I do this every year.


  1. Lovely, lovely song! I'd never heard that one before.

    1. I'm so glad I chose to post it so that you got to hear it too. Glad you liked it.

  2. “6. Insert your own random thought here.“


    I think none of our thoughts are truly random, not yours, mine, or anyone’s reading this. Not really.

    1. I suppose so.

      Joyce, the creator of the Hodgepodge, puts that there to give us the option to ramble on about anything we like.

  3. Forget THAT fruitcake, I'll buy a Benson's at the grocery store. lol Oh, I love "Mary, Did You Know", too. Pentatonix does a great job but there are other artists who do equally good. I'm trying to not think ahead to Christmas, you know the whole live in the moment thing, but find it hard. I think it's nice that you carried over one of your Amish traditions. I think that's just who we are, we always want to keep the memories that warm the soul by incorporating certain traditions into our own. Hooray for you for being "in the groove"! I hope next year I find myself more like you are now. ;) Have a good week and blessings to you!

    1. Somehow our family isn't fond of store bought fruitcakes which is why every year I find myself making this one.

      I'm sure a lot of artists do a lovely rendition of Mary Did You Know ... Pentatonix happens to be my favorite. :)

      Hope you have a lovely week filled with blessings.

  4. "Mary Did You Know" is one of my all time favorite songs. I'm listening to it now and my eyes are getting misty. Enjoy your week.

  5. I haven't eaten fruitcake in years. I didn't care for it as a child, but feel like I'd enjoy it now. I like Pentatonix too. Christmas is right around the corner, so not too early for music. Enjoy your day!

    1. Most fruitcakes I don't care for either.

      Hope your day is a lovely one.

  6. I love the quote/verse you shared. Happy Hodgepodge!

    1. Glad you liked it.

      Happy Hodgepodging to you as well.

  7. Thanks for stopping by ... I hopped over to your blog to check it out. Welcome back to the world of blogs and blogging!

  8. "Mary Did You Know" has become my favorite Christmas song, although I too, listen to it year round. Pentatonix does a beautiful job with it, but I really like the original writers version, Mark Lowry, too.

  9. Fruitcake! I am as near addicted as possible to the A&P dark cake. Several years ago, right after Christmas, my best friend found it on sale and bought me SIX of them! I put all but one in the freezer, and managed to make them last nearly to Easter. I've never tried your version. Maybe next year?

    1. That was so sweet of your friend to get all those fruitcakes for you!

  10. I love that rendition of Mary Did You Know!!

  11. I also love 'Mary Did You Know' and the version by Pentatonix. I think I may be addicted to listening to it. I was just singing it yesterday (even though I can't carry a tune). Blessings!

    1. I love singing, have always loved singing, though don't ask me to sing in a choir where I have to sing in certain harmonious way. :)

  12. I would like to learn how to make a fruitcake :)

    1. There are lots of recipes floating around on the internet. If you try one, be sure to let me know how it turned out.

  13. Growing up, my family always gathered for the evening meal. Sweet memories. I love "Mary Did You Know." Thanks for stopping by. I hope everything continues smoothly for you thru Thanksgiving! By the way, my pencil rests on my ring finger when I write...what does your nameless child do?? lol

    1. The child whom I won't name, grasps the pencil at the very tip and writes with fingernails squeaking across the paper.

  14. What a pretty blog you have.
    Thank you for your visit...
    I love reading answers on HODGEPODGE and always think I will play along...but I always forget. I loved your answers...

    1. The hodgepodgers are a welcoming group. I hope you join some day!

  15. It would drive me crazy to see someone holding their pencil weird.
    “Mary Did You Know” is my favorite!

    1. Apparently "Mary Did You Know" is a favorite for many people.

  16. I'm busily buying the things I need to make our Christmas cake. I have never eaten a bought one that I liked as well as my own. I will also make Weihnacht Stollen; are you familiar with such?

    1. I've never made a Weihnacht Stollen, but it's actually on the list of things we want to try.

  17. I enjoyed your post today. Love that saying:
    Gratitude helps us see what is; instead of what isn't. And the song: Mary Did You Know
    Thank you for visiting my blog.

  18. Despite what many people say, I love fruitcake!

  19. When all the children were at home I always looked forward to enjoying a wonderful family meal together ...

    All the best Jan

  20. Mary Did You Know was one of my favorites. I love Hodgepodge -- it helps me get to know you better.

    1. Funny thing about the Hodgepodge .. when I read back over the earliest ones I see how I keep changing and growing. :)


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