Saturday, November 11, 2017

Fragrant Whiffs of Joy ~ Giveaway

    In our living room we have a huge oak cupboard. It was built by my oldest brother seventeen years ago after I had voiced my dream version of an "Amish entertainment center". A section of it holds our favorite books. These books are selected carefully and each one of them has to earn their right to call this cupboard their home.
    I just tucked a new book inside its doors. Fragrant Whiffs of Joy by one of my all time favorite authors, Dorcas Smucker. She cleverly weaves beautiful stories from her often touched by humor, ordinary life.

Fragrant Whiffs of Joy is a collection of short stories or essays if you will, which makes it a perfect book to pick up and read when you have a few minutes. Each chapter is sure to encourage, inspire, and maybe give you a new view on life, with a healthy amount of chuckles mixed in.

From outings to the beach that don't go as planned, serving food to loved ones, a heartfelt glimpse into the little known life of her son's birth Mom, and everything in between. I enjoyed every minute of reading this book.
I think you would enjoy it too, and I'm happy to be able to give away an autographed copy. If you would like a chance to win one, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me about something that gives you a whiff of joy.
For a second entry share a link to this post on your blog or Facebook and then come back and tell me about in another comment.
I will be using the random generator to choose a winner on Friday, November 17th.
If you are eager to start reading this book you can order it now.
Fragrant Whiffs of Joy is available for $12 per book plus $2 postage.  You can mail a check to Dorcas Smucker, 31148 Substation Drive, Harrisburg, OR 97446.  Or PayPal
Giveaway is now closed and a winner has been chosen.


  1. A tiny new baby's head is my favorite Whiff of Joy!

  2. Lilacs on the breeze are my Whiffs of Joy!

  3. Oh, that could be lots of different times. I guess right now if I were to smell a Thanksgiving turkey and dressing it reminds me of "home"...home being when I was growing up. Cold weather and a warm home with wonderful smells wafting in the air.

    At least, that is where my heart is right now.

  4. Our children calling us "just because."

  5. This time of year, I enjoy the smell of a wood burning fire. Thanks for this opportunity. I know you treasure your cupboard.

  6. Shared via facebook, also.

  7. There are so many things! Clean laundry flapping on the line, brightly-colored trees in fall, fresh-baked bread, story time with my children... Your question is a good reminder to slow down and think about the "little things!"

  8. My whiff of joy is probably fresh mowed grass in the spring, the beginning of a new & long awaited season of warm weather! ��

  9. This morning when I got up the windows in our old farmhouse were covered with the feathery patterns of frost. It gave me a "whiff" of joy.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win, it sounds like a book I would love to read.

  10. Memories of celery and onions, sauteed in butter, in a cast iron skillet. My mom makes the best turkey and dressing ever. For the past few years, I have taken over Thanksgiving dinner preparations, but I am so thankful that she will be in my kitchen working her stuffing magic.

  11. Shared on Facebook. Thanks!

  12. I love the smell of rain.

  13. Driving on a country road with the beautiful sights of autumn leaves and rolled hay bales.

  14. Just shared on Facebook. Have a wonderful day!

  15. This morning being awakend at 7:30 by a text from my 17 year old grandson, saying he'd cooked breakfast for me and his siblings!

  16. Calling our first born son on his 34 birthday and him wanting to talk a half hour instead of the five min time slot because he was at work,fragrant wife of pure joy because my children and I have a relationship .What better reward could a Mom want !

  17. The smell of fall whiff and I am right back to being 10 years old, walking home from school, down the sidewalk with the Autumn sun beating on my face, cool breeze and the smell of leaves.

  18. Little boys coloring pictures in front of the fire, singing, "Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King,..."

  19. Opening a box of my Grandma's things and getting a whiff of my childhood days spent at her house. I miss her so much...

  20. In the summer smelling newly mowed hay. In the fall it's the smell of the wood stove knowing that I'll be warm when it's cold outside. I'd love to add Dorcas Smucker's new book to my collection!

  21. It would surely be a whiff of joy to win this book! =) Also, I love the design of your blog, it's beautiful!

  22. The smell of coffee, even though I don't drink it! Freshly baked cookies! A fire in the wood stove! A freshly bathed baby! roasted vegetables! my dog after she's been to the groomer! (so many more I can think of!)

  23. Having a child (usually a great niece or nephew) come to sit on my lap, sometimes with a book to be read to. Just one of many joyful moments, though. I'd be very happy to win Dorcas new book. Mary Horst

  24. Hugs from my grandchildren. They fill up my heart.

  25. Sharing a joke with my children. A tender touch from my husband. I'm so blessed.

  26. The smell venison jerky drying in my oven, prepared by my 17 year old son who sits at the dining room table amicably chatting while I iron a mountain of shirts.

  27. A genuine connection with someone, whether it be a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend or a brief but real connection with a stranger. Either one will make me smile!

  28. It sounds delightful and the title is a gift in itself! how lovely!

  29. Fresh bread in the oven...

    Kristy Goode

  30. The first warm day of spring after a long cold winter.

  31. Holding a cup of freshly brewed coffee, opening the sliding door on my back porch to inhale the fresh crisp air of fall and watching the glorious colors as the sun begins to rise over the Rincon mountains in the distance.

  32. Dandelion bouquets always bring me whiffs of joy.

  33. Cinnamon candles at this time of the year and fresh mown hay in the spring and fresh bread from the oven!

  34. My two grandchildren, they bring joy to my heart!

  35. My favorite shifts of joy are my kids and husband laughing together, and also, smelling roses and lilacs!

  36. My daughter's homemade bread when I'm to busy to make it is my whiff of joy!

  37. Line-dried sheets are one of my favorite whiffs.

  38. Seeing a light go on when I'm teaching a new concept gives me joy! Sharon Mast

  39. Creating bouquets from my flower gardens give me whiffs of joy. They are fragrant too!

  40. My daughter and my husband bring me great happiness. However, my Scentsy warmer gives me whiffs of joy:-)
    Zuvers2009 at

  41. So, looks like my chance of winning may be low, since there's so many comments already! but a new book, now that's a Whiff of Joy ;)

  42. I love all the hugs and kisses from my little grandchildren!

  43. Pausing and looking at a newly cleaned out closet, drawer, or other space.

  44. My nearly one year old son, who still doesn't sleep through the night, yet brings many smiles to this exhausted mama's face.

    Rachel Miller

  45. Whiffs of J-O-Y are constant when it is prioritized: J for putting Jesus first, O for others next, and then Y for yourself. I don't remember who said this, but it often makes me stop and think.
    Thank you for the contest.

  46. A whiff of the longed-for incoming rain storm - most certainly a whiff of Joy!

  47. I put a link on my blog to this post!!

  48. The scent of my mother-in-law and I standing at her stove waiting to decorate the fruitcakes--Those cinnamon, ginger, nutmegs, allspice and about 60 other scents along with it. My grandmother bringing freshly made-from-scratch Banana Pudding every week as I grew up. My babies' sweet smells when they were just born. I have thousands, but I think you knew that! I wish I knew about sense of smell and memories!!

  49. Fresh homemade cookies, spring rains, cut cilantro, and hopefully soon I can experience the sting and silence of snow again. I would love this book!

  50. 3 things came to mind. First, when my son randomly starts playing the piano my daughter grabs a guitar and my husband and I open up the old red book hymnal, we all sing along to whatever page we happen to turn to. Secondly, to see my children outside playing with their cousins at our parents house. We always played with our cousins after Sunday dinner and it takes me back to my childhood. Lastly, my daughter just finished all 9 of the Little House books in less than 2 months. This has brought us both "whiffs of joy". Her by reading them and myself by watching her get so caught up in them she just couldn't put it down. :). Thank you for the chance to win the new book. Blessings!

  51. A whiff of joy...the first thing that comes to my mind is my grand-daughter's smile!! Love it!

  52. The smell of the fire on a cold, snowy day.

  53. The scent of pine boughs brought in to the house at Christmas.

  54. My youngest daughter moved three hours away ten months ago. My favorite whiff of joy is having one of her hugs when I get the opportunity to visit her!

  55. The smell of marigolds... my Grandma Tallent's front porch.

  56. Seeing my grand dolls face when she discovers something new brings me a whiff of joy!!

  57. The smell of fall gives me whiffs ofbjoy

  58. Holding my first grandson in my arms and falling in love

  59. The smell of new mown hay. I would love to win this book. ~ Dawn

  60. Fresh crisp air in cold weather is one of my favorites!

  61. Love your blog! Am praying for you right now because of your FB post. Hope to hear you are doing well soon.

  62. Spending time with my grandchildren and hearing them tell their newest adventures.

  63. Right now the mingled smell of wood smoke and the wonderful fragrance of the damp autumn forest!

  64. My 15 mo girl 'reading' to her 3 no sister :)

  65. My 15 mo girl 'reading' to her 3 no sister :)

  66. A whiff of joy is my cup of coffee this morning!

    I shared on Facebook for a double entry :)

  67. I love to ride motorcycle with my husband and take in whiffs of country air - the smell of freshly mown grass, wheat ripening, pine forests.

  68. The gift of a chat with a good friend is a whiff of joy for me.

  69. Oh, the wiff's are many for me. The smell of fall in the air, the woodsmoke hanging low while I sniff at it. The smell of Christmas, the tree, the baking. The fresh smell of spring, the lilacs, summertime is fresh mown grass, or the hay as the farmers cut and bale it. The smell of a campfire. Thanks for the chance to win this book

  70. Most recently, hiking in the Ozarks has been a great source of joy!

  71. Fresh baked cookies and coffee to go with them:):)

  72. The smell and look of a neatly organized closet! Cheryl Weiler

  73. I'd love to have this one of Dorcas' books!

  74. Today, joy came in a hospital where my 95 year old mother got her heart rate straighten out and her body feeling well. It came in the shared kiss between my parents as my father kissed his bride of almost 65 years knowing their time together here was going to be stretched a bit longer than we worried it might be. Joy is knowing even if this didn't work, they have way more than 65 years to look forward to in paradise.

  75. Fresh laundry just taken from the line; a baby's skin after a bath and lotion; summer rain and oh so much more! :) Loretta bookwormshutterbug {@}

  76. Rain, coffee, old books, fresh baked bread, new born babies, apple spice candles, leather, clean clothes fresh from the clothesline, lilacs, my grandma, campfire, ..........

  77. My son snuggling up to me brings me a whiff of joy.

  78. Orange peelings take me to lovely times on the Christmas Holiday at home. Pine is just something that makes me happy every time. Lilacs are just so special in spring. A nice fragrant rose is so enchanting. Certain pond lilies that my cousin has in his ponds have the sweetest fragrance. I carry them around till they are pretty well worn out. Bread baking, coffee right after it is ready, well enough. Will give others a chance to tell thiers.

  79. The "whiff of joy" is the coffee I wake to each morning; coffee that my husband makes so that I have a fresh pot to entice me out of bed during the week. And on the weekends my whiff of joy is the cup of coffee I wake to at my bedside, because that's when he brings me coffee in bed!

  80. My whiff of joy... Getting shivers during a live choral performance, whether it's Concordia Choir, Oasis Chorale, or even my wonderful students as we practice for our Christmas program... ��

  81. Cookie baking with my Grandkids on Black Friday. Each family brings several types to bake & then share with others.

  82. My whiff of joy happens with interactions from my family in unexpected moments. Their expressions of love are so special.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts.