Monday, April 11, 2016

I ~ Insignificant

Nature often makes me feel insignificant. Standing beneath towering trees, or at the side of the ocean watching waves crash onto the shore.

Looking at the stars at night and knowing that God has a name for each one, makes me feel pretty insignificant. He is so great, and I'm so small, and yet I'm loved by Him.

Sitting in a service and listening to the parents share their feelings about their much loved child that they buried, makes any problems in my own life feel very insignificant.

I think the feeling of insignificance can be a good thing every so often.


  1. I agree. Feeling insignificant can put things in the right perspective. Makes us appreciate what we have and who we are.

  2. So true...hearing others problems/hardships makes my problems so insignificant.

  3. Yes... Yes it can.
    We need to know Our God is Bigger.

    1. It's such a comfort knowing our God is bigger than any trouble we may have.

  4. Yes ... knowing in that insignificance that I and my cares are still significant to my big God, I can rest secure.

  5. The pendulum seems to be shifting... For a long time, our culture became one of significance: focus on the "I", the individual, the larger-than-life presence of achievement and success—and the hubris it provokes. I'm glad that we seem to be going back to developing a sense of awe; our smallness makes us respectful.

    Beautiful post. Happy A2Z-ing!
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs (and member of co-host Damyanti's team, D's Company )

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

      I too think our smallness makes us more respectful.

  6. I often feel the same way when I'm in nature. It gives me so much comfort to know that there is a power, (God), that is so much great than me and in ultimate control of all things.


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