Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Share a favorite song, book, or movie title containing the word green.

I can't think of any movies that have the word green in their title. My favorite book has to be Anne of Green Gables. The only song that comes to mind is a Celtic song by Sinead O'Connor; Her Mantle so Green. I like Celtic music, but this song isn't one on my must listen to list.

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson is quoted as saying, 'Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.' Would you agree? Are you a believer in luck?

Yes, I agree. I do believe in God's blessings, but I wouldn't call it luck.

3. Spring water, Hot Springs, handspring, spring fling, spring break, spring fever, offspring...which 'spring' word best applies to something in your day, week, or life right now?

Offspring ..... my days are pretty much wrapped up in our children.

4. What's something you do to make yourself look or feel more confident?

I have a certain outfit that I wear that makes me feel more confident than some others I have.

5.  It's National Celery Month...are you a fan? If so, what's a snack or dish you enjoy that calls for celery?

No, no, no, no, no. I love vegetables and basically every kind of produce, but if I never have to eat another piece of celery for the rest of my life I won't mind in the least.
6. What's one thing you wish you'd learned sooner?

To not allow other people's opinions affect who I am and what I do.

7. Would you like to own a second home? If so where would you want that home to be?

I would love to own a second home. One of our dreams is owning a home in the desert in Arizona. We spent a week vacationing in the desert one year and fell in love with it.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.

A sure sign that spring is on the way, other than the disappearing snow and all the mud, is when all the maple sugar camps in the area are busy.


  1. What a pretty picture! We have the same favorite book, and I'm sure we won't be the only ones with that answer today : )

  2. Certain clothes make me feel more confident, too, as well as a good hair cut and style.
    That's a beautiful picture!

  3. Neat...we had similar answer for number two. Love the picture of the sugar shack.

  4. I love Arizona, as well! Been there 3 times, I think, and I'm ready to go back! Love your answer to #6!

  5. What a lovely blog you have! I enjoyed the Q&A but it left me wondering: why does celery get a whole month? Must have good PR, for a vegetable.

  6. Great answers and love that you are busy with offspring, how cute! And, so true about other folks opinions, usually worth what we pay for them, nothing! Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  7. Thanks for stopping by have a very lovely place here! Blessings

  8. That's a good answer for #6.. Something i need to live by.

  9. I love Arizona too! Hope your second home is in your future!!

  10. Great answer for #6!

    Have a great Wednesday.

  11. Enjoyed reading your answers. Love the photo and glad that Spring is coming your way!

  12. I enjoyed visiting a maple sugar camp when the kids were young and we lived in Michigan. I was so interesting.

  13. I also have learned to not let others' opinions affect me as much as I used to. The only people I need to please is God and my husband.
    The picture of the sugar camp looks so peaceful. Spring is definitely on the way here in the NW part of the country.

  14. Movie~Green Berets
    You're probably too young to remember :)

  15. I'm guessing you're the only one to mention the maple sugar camps. I love your blog template--so feminine. And I'm really curious about your Amish background.

  16. The maple cookers are in full swing too here in NH. Thank you for visiting my blog page and for your kind words about my friend.

  17. I think Anne of Green Gables has to be the most mentioned green titled movie, it is a good one! Not even for sure what a maple sugar camp is but I wanna see one and there has to be some tasting in there somewhere! Woo hoo for not more snow!


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