Friday, July 19, 2024


Reading ... In the Bible I'm reading Isaiah. Starting that book always sends a little thrill through me and helps me relive that time in our life when we truly found Jesus. You can read that condensed story here, if you're interested.

In other books I found a delightful little book called Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster. It's about a young girl who grew up in an orphanage and was given the opportunity to attend college by a generous, but anonymous benefactor. The only terms were that she send letters to him in care of his secretary regarding her progress at school and details about her life as if she were writing to her parents.

The book is then filled with the letters she wrote. 

Such a fun little read. It's reminiscent of Anne of Green Gables, and yet not.

I was reading it while Steven was fishing and came upon a quote that I needed to scribble in my book of book quotes, but since it wasn't available I simply took a picture of it. Hang on a minute while I find it.

Okay, here we go.

Anybody can rise to a crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh - I really think that requires spirit.

The truth of the quote resonated with me somehow.

Writing ... lists, lists, and more lists. There's something about writing lists that makes me thrive. And thriving, I am.

Watching ... a show about storm chasing and tornadoes etc. It's not my favorite, but fits in nicely with the Meteorology unit study by Campfire Curriculums that Steven had been doing.

Listening ... the hum of the dryer, a cow mooing persistently, and some kind of summer insects that I'm not sure what they're called. I only know they're not crickets or katydids.

Baking ... I made some Hot Fudge Pudding Cake today. It's been a while since I've made dessert and this has been one of our favorites ever since the first time I made it 25 years ago.

Cooking ... tonight was "haystack" night. Rice, beans, hamburger, and choice of toppings.

Feeling ... pleasantly busy. We're getting into a comfortable routine which is lovely for routine loving me.

Loving ... the nice rain shower we got. It's still quite dry here, but  we're so thankful for every drop of rain we received.

Playing ... today it was a game that Steven invented that involves a ball. He happened to think of it this morning and we played several rounds. He thought it was as much fun as he had remembered it to be, which is a nice thing. So often the things from our younger childhood seem to change as we grow older, but this game is standing the test of time.

Today ... I had an appointment to go to this morning.  I was driving through the part of town that has its speed limit posted at 15 MPH, I was half way chomping at the bit, because it always feels so painstakingly slow, but I kept it at 15.  Then I noticed an older gentleman walking on the sidewalk. He tripped on something and went stumble running, arms flailing, right out onto the road where he collapsed in front of my horrified eyes. I quickly stopped, very thankful I hadn't been driving any faster. 

Another lady had seen it happen too and also came running to help.  Other than a skinned elbow and knee he assured us he's fine. Once he was safely back on the sidewalk I continued on my way.

I'm thinking it will be a little while before that section of driving 15 MPH irritates me like it used to.


  1. What a scare to have someone fall onto the street right in front of you!

  2. We have wonderfully slow speed limits when we go through the main part of our town, Kennesaw, in Georgia. What happened to you on your drive only emphasizes our whys. Thank the Lord this man wasn't hurt worse than he was!

  3. Wow. How scary to have him fall into the street like

  4. How frightening for you all. Thankfully you were keeping the rules, unlike so many,
    I remember Daddy Long Legs, I think it was made into a film which I;m sure I saw, many years ago.

  5. Isaiah is one of my favourite books and always look forward to reading it. What a shock to have that man fall in the road!

  6. Somehow I stumbled back onto your post...not sure why I haven't been reading them before as you are in my list of blogs. Please forgive me. Sometimes life gets in the way of being able to follow through with all that I had intended, but then again, that is life in itself. I love the quote you captured on your phone and shared with us. "...To meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh...that requires spirit." Yes, it does, and I think of that often when things go wrong and yet we can just smile and/or have a great laugh over it and move on, that does require spirit. Oh, so thankful that poor man wasn't injured badly, and that you were able to stop in time! Wow! I hope he made it safely to his destination. I know I get nervous when people are walking too close to the edge of the road, or bicyclists are along the often cars are just whizzing right by and I have to hold my breath and pray. Thank you for your lovely post. I will try to be more diligent about reading from now on. It's interesting that you have written books about "Lily", and I have a doll named "Lily Grace" that I have written stories about on my blog...well, she has her own blog. But I kind of lost my passion for continuing to write her story even though she is still right here, "living" her little adventures more quietly these days. I need to read your "Adventures of Lily Lapp", and I introduce my little "Adventures of Lily Grace" to you. Have a lovely day! I will be back.

  7. Thank goodness you were driving that slow. Glad the older fellow was okay. I don't recall having read the book Daddy Long Legs, but I saw the 1955 film of it with Leslie Caron (she plays Julie) and Fred Astaire (Jervais Pendleton). I loved the film.

    Always enjoy your "Currently" posts. A lovely glimpse of life in your corner of the world.

    1. I read the book, but don't remember seeing the movie. But I think you're right that it was Fred Astaire/Leslie Caron.


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