Monday, March 18, 2013


We woke up this morning and found our little corner of the world white with swirling snow. As the morning progressed the snow and winds continued. Looking out the window I spotted a little sparrow hiding from the weather by perching in a nest the hornets had built last summer.
It made me stop and think.
When ever the hornets had been building that nest last summer I wasn't too enthused about it. I have bad reactions to being stung and having a huge nest nearby didn't seem to be lessening my chance of getting stung.
But now what I had seen as an ugly thing has been turned into a cozy home for a little bird seeking shelter from the unpleasantness that has been swirling all around it.
Just as the little sparrow has found a refuge, I have been reminded how God provides a refuge for us where we can hide from the storms of life. And how He can take things that we think are bad and turn them into good for us.
Being reminded of that this morning, I can't help but feel comforted and renewed. 


  1. His work is mysterious, is it not but to everything there is indeed a purpose! Wonderful photo by the way!
    Blessings and keep warm! (a tad chilly here too on the island at 36 degrees F!)

  2. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder of the God who looks out for sparrows and serves as my refuge as well.

  3. reminds me of what Joseph said to his brothers, "you meant it for evil but God worked it for good."

  4. Thank you for the reminder that God does work in all things, even the seemingly small ones.

  5. Ah...a moment to ponder & remember God's grace.

  6. So true. And that picture of the sparrow is precious!

  7. So sweet! Matthew 10:29-31 came to mind first, but Psalm 84:1-4 fits perfectly. Have a great day!

  8. Love this! What wonderful find in nature. ...and what wonderful God who cares for and has rescued us!


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