Wednesday, September 21, 2011


As most of you probably realize the journey I was chronicling from a happy little Amish girl to where I am today, still happy but no longer Amish has mostly been told. There were a lot of memories that I missed writing about from my childhood but those will be making their way into the book series I am writing so I don't want to share them on this blog.

After making so many friends in the blogging world I don't want to quit and walk away so I was wondering what you are interested in hearing about.

I will still be sharing bits and pieces about our day to day life every once in a while. And also sharing the occasional recipe. My time spent in the kitchen has been drastically reduced since I'm dealing with some pregnancy related issues so those will be a little slow in coming until after the baby gets here.

I also have bits and pieces of memories I could share from my teenage years and early married life that I am considering posting. Since most of my memories were shared in chronological order it would mess that part up but I would always add a label at the end of each post letting you know in which time frame that certain memory happened.

There is also one more option and one that I think could be fun. Sharing LV's story about his boyhood.

So now I'm wondering what you would like for me to do with my blog from this point.


  1. I would love to hear stories about LV's boyhood!

  2. It would be so interesting to hear what LV's boyhood was like. Also praying for you and your pregnancy issues.

  3. Thirded that I think LV's boyhood would be a very interesting story!

  4. I agree!! Let's hear more about LV's childhood please! I cannot wait to read your books :

  5. Hearing about LV's childhood would be fun!

  6. I would like to know more about how this decision has impacted your relationships today. Have there been any family conversions? I'd love to see a recent family photo or maybe one of just you.


  7. I'd love to know a little more about the church and the fellowship that you now have.

  8. LV's point of view would be great!

  9. I have a question, I think it is mostly about Amish culture. I've been reading your blog for months and have enjoyed your stories. My son (7rs old) is reading Pathway Readers as part of his schooling he loves the books. I noticed in your blog and in the books that moving seems to be quite common. Why is this? I would have thought moving a farm and without what we consider modern conviences would be a very difficult process. (I hate moving and we are just a family living in a house.) If this question is not impertenant (it is not meant to be) would you mind answering it from your perspective?
    Thanks so much, I so enjoy your blog and look forward to your books.


  10. I'd love to hear about LV's childhood. I'd also enjoy reading about your life now - the farm, your children, your present church.

    Thanks for sharing so much of yourself already!

  11. I find everything you blog about fascinating, so as long as you keep it coming, I don't care what you write about, LOL I look forward to reading your blog every day! Prayers for your pregnancy issues! Take care!

  12. When you were banished, did you have to stand in front of the church? What did the people tell you? were they allowed to speak to you?

  13. Can I vote for all of those?

    Day to day life posts would be interesting, I always love getting new recipes, and hearing about LVs boyhood - as well as any other memories of yours you want to share - sounds good too! :)

  14. Great idea! We'd love to hear about LV's journey.

  15. While I've been reading your blog posts, for months like many others, I've wondered how long ago was your conversion? How does your conversion impact how you dress now? Do you still wear a head covering like the Amish ladies or is your head covering different? Do you still own a farm where you have so many calves (as in one of the pictures you had once posted)?

    I would love to hear more about LV's boyhood as well. :)

    Thank you MaryAnn, for sharing in this way! It helps me to understand the Amish perspective a little better. I read your posts to my family at times and they enjoy your stories just as much as I do.

  16. Oh I vote for both your stories but will be happy and blessed by what you choose to share!

  17. All of the above, please! I like reading about your memories as well as your daily life today. I would also like to hear about LV's childhood experiences. And I think I could probably read forever about the differences/similarities between Amish and non-Amish lifestyles. Although I don't necessarily think you should write about it if it causes you hesitation, I am also interested in the processes involved in leaving the church and the consequences.

  18. It would be a great joy to hear how your relationship with the Lord has changed and how the fellowship you are in now stands on things that are different than your Amish traditions. Also to hear more about the fellowship you are in, what are the basic things that has changed in your life.
    Mrs. J.

  19. I love reading your blog and would totally enjoy anything you wish to share with us. LV's boyhood would be wonderful.
    Hope you feel better soon..

  20. I think some of the best parts of your story have yet to come. I'd love to know how your transition out of the church has been. Has life been tougher or easier? Was it difficult to navigate life without the support of the Amish community, or did your new church lift you up as the body of Christ should?

    Having been a part of this blog journey for so long, I'd love to hear anything about your day to day life right now.

    I'm the kind of person who gets frustrated at the end of books when they live happily ever after, but you want to know more specifics about what "happily" actually means. LOL!

    I've loved every bit of what you've shared with us, and I'm sure that no matter what you continue to write, I'll still be here to read it each morning.



  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What happened to your brother Mahlon? I mean during and after the time he stayed with you for awhile. LV's childhood would be great! What about your siblings who have left the Amish, can you share how they are doing? How are your relationships with your family who are still Amish today? Are they better?

  23. Mary Ann, I've read every word from the beginning, and have enjoyed your writings more than I can say. I'll continue to read as long as you continue to write. Whatever it is you want to share with us! Every day stuff, LV's stories,recipes, when you're able, anything!
    Take good care of you and the little one. Praying that your issues are not serious, and that all will go well.

  24. One thing I really enjoy about your writing is that you seem like someone who just tells it like it is and you are not afraid to share how something makes you feel or say no to something you don't want to share or do. I would love your day to day stories of just telling it like it is - no matter what the subject is about! :)

  25. I'd love to hear about how growing up Amish and how you are living now is different/same. Also has there been a lot of changes in your life since your conversion? I think you have a lot of story telling left to do about your life :)Thanks!

  26. I am looking forward to your book coming out. When I have the time, I go back and read the previous posts from a couple of years ago. I would like to read about LV's childhood. Please share that with us, if he doesn't mind.

  27. Maybe how your families handled your transitions, maybe how you handled the change in your lives by no longer being Amish.

  28. Each of the subjects you mentioned would be of interest. Recipes are my favorites, but learning of the memories that surround them is even better. Just continue talking to us -- we'll listen.

  29. Each of the subjects you mentioned would be of interest. Recipes are my favorites, but learning of the memories that surround them is even better. Just continue talking to us -- we'll listen.

  30. I vote for LV's story! And thanks so much for taking the time to blog = ))

  31. Something that would be interesting to me is actually knowing where the Amish draw the line between what's considered a modern convenience and what is acceptable in the community. For example, a few weeks ago we were at the zoo, and there were a few Amish families wandering around. We saw them climb out of vans in the parking lot and the vans had Indiana plates, so I'm sure they were from the communities up there. ANYwho, I noticed they were wearing contemporary gym/street shoes, and pushing strollers you can buy at your local Walmart.

    I'm sure there are differences between communities, old order vs. new, etc., but I'd love to know where the Amish draw the line and where they tend to accept the modern. Any sort of compare/contrast or deeper look into their way of life would be interesting to me.

  32. All of your story is fascinating. I'd like to see recipes, and quilting, I'd love to see pictures of any quilts you've made, along with any helpful hints on quiltmaking. I'm just starting out so this would be of great interest. And ditto everyone else's comments.

  33. Mary Ann, I have loved reading the story of your life!! I really enjoy your writing, your memories and also hearing about what your family has been up to.
    I would love you to keep blogging about daily family life, recipes, house keeping tips, childhood memories/L.V's childhood ..... just anything really. I am looking forward to hearing about your new baby and hope everything goes well during the rest of your pregnancy.
    Louise in New Zealand

  34. I'd like to know what church or should I say type off church you are in now? and anything else you feel like sharing LVs story would be great also the lovely little things the children say and do from day to day.

  35. More about your transition from Amish to now would be so interesting Mary Ann. How your life differs & the impact of living outside the Amish. Also how you have dealt with fitting in at a new type of church. What differs in your home & how you are able to now utilise more technology than before.

    Thanks for your sharing so far! :)

  36. LV's story (maybe even a guest post written by him once or an interview) would be fascinating.

    You are such a gifted writer, that I'd imagine anything you choose to write will be read & valued by many readers.

  37. Mary Ann, please don't stop writing about Amish life! I was so engrossed in your stories, and then read that you're writing a book. I was so afraid that you'd quit writing your stories and keep it all for the book. Please don't! I'd love to hear about LV's perspective, or even if you do a Q&A sometimes about all the questions about Amish life. I like reading your blunt opinion on how the authors get it wrong. :)

  38. I would like to hear the rest of your story until now, the church you finally decided to be a part of, did you decide to move farther away from LV's family, why you decided to homeschool, etc.

  39. First I would love it when you post here when your books are coming out :-)
    And I would love to read stories about LV's boyhood.

  40. LV's story, more stories of your teenage years, Amish life, your day-to-day happenings, recipes. Any and everything you write would be interesting to me. Also, please keep us up-to-date on your books.

  41. I,along with apparently many others,have enjoyed your writings.
    I for one would really enjoy reading about the Amish lifestyle. It is a big mystery to us that are not. It is also impolite to ask I think but you did want an opinion. :)
    Thank you for those blogs you have written and I will checking in daily to see what appears.

  42. Stories about LV's boyhood would be great!

    I also want to say, what an amazing story! Thanks for sharing!

  43. WOuld love to hear LV's stories. As well as your life not your new traditions, etc. You said not a lot has changed but what exactly does that look like. SOme of us do not know. How do you train your children etc.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts.