Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What summer activity most takes you back to your own childhood?

Working in a garden takes me back more than about any other summer activity. Summer used to be extremely busy putting up a year's supply of food.

2. What's your favorite summer smell?

Though I can't smell, I absolutely love the air here after a rain if I breathe deeply I can taste it, sweet and so refreshing.

3. It's beach season in the US of how do you feel about sand?

Sand, eh....... I actually enjoyed our visit to the beach last year, and will probably enjoy it again this year, but I would prefer other vacation destinations.

4. Sun tea, SunChips, sunflower seeds, Capri Sun, Sunny Delight, Sun-Maid raisins, sun-dried tomatoes...your favorite food or beverage with sun in its name?

Let's go through the list. Tea, no thanks. Sunflower seeds I enjoy especially when roasted like we used to while I was growing up. It's been years though since I last had any. Capri Sun and Sunny Delight, not a fan of either. Sun-Maid raisins, only if they are chocolate covered. Never had sun dried tomatoes. That leaves Sun Chips, it just happens that I love them, but only get to enjoy them when we travel.

5. What's your favorite way to cool off on a hot summer day?

My preferred method of cooling off on a hot day is relaxing in a nice air conditioned house with some ice cold lemonade. The children how ever would prefer to go swimming. We have friends with a nice pool that we can use when ever we like. We visited it last week, everyone was having fun until a chipmunk decided to join the activities and drowned. The speed in which the girls left the pool when that happened was almost comical.

6. Share a favorite song with the word sun or sunshine in it's title.

Walking in Sunlight

7. Tell us about a time you had an exceedingly good or truly awful customer service experience. If it was awful, did you report it? Ever go back there again?

A local business recently provided truly awful customer service, we didn't bother reporting it, mostly because it was an Amish business and we didn't want them to get in trouble for dealing with someone ex-Amish. As long as they don't recognize us, we get to do business with them, but after our last experience it might not be such a bad thing if we couldn't.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I love seeing things that grow during the summer.


  1. I'd have scrambled out with the kids too : ) Chipmunks are cute, we have a 'family' of them living in our big rock wall at the back of our garden, but I don't want to swim with them! Enjoy your day!

  2. It struck me that someone could get in trouble for dealing with a former Amish person. I take it you still live in the area where there may be a chance someone may recognize you. That's too bad.

    1. Yes, we live in an Amish area. Some recognize us, but I think by now most of them don't. We look quite different from what we used to 15 years ago. :)

  3. We have an Amish community where we visit the theatre. Those in the service industry are very good I guess because it is more public.

    1. This was our first rotten experience with this particular business.

  4. When we had our own backyard pool, our gate was opened and some stray lab came and jumped right in it with my girls and I. Took us forever to get that big dog out!

  5. I laughed out loud when I read about the girls scrambling to get out of the pool. The poor chipmunk though. :-(

  6. Summer is still busy here--canning and freezing a year's supply of food :)

    1. I look forward to having a garden again someday. I miss all the homegrown food.

  7. I picked working in the garden, too....well, it's one of the things I mentioned. We always had a huge garden and froze or canned everything. Many, many hours were spent pulling weeds, lugging water, snapping beans and shelling peas. I never thought I'd say it, but sometimes I miss those times right after supper when all of us would work together.

    1. It is a lot of work, even though it's rewarding I was always so happy once summer was over. Maybe that's part of the reason summer is my least favorite season.

  8. One of my favorite memories is sitting in front of our house one summer afternoon with my then three year old daughter, watching a storm move across the valley. We could smell the rain as it approached, and see the trees and flowers "bounce" as the rain reached them.

    1. I can see why that is one of your favorite memories!

  9. That last photo is so beautiful it also doesn't look real...

    1. Sailor took it right after a rain storm went through. The woods here are delightful places!

  10. Sorry, meant to say it ALMOST doesn't look real!

  11. oh dear. Poor chipmunk! But I feel I must be honest and let out a giggle picturing in my head the screams as a chipmunk suddenly plopped in the pool..


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